Work Permit Information

Work Permit Information

Applications for work permit, PDE-4565 are available in the main office during school hours throughout the school year and during summer office hours. The application is also available as a PDF file below. 
SECTION A: The minor or parent may complete (name, sex, color of hair, color of eyes, any physical work restrictions, if there are no physical work restrictions please list NONE, place of residence, place of birth and date of birth). PLEASE PRINT ON THE FORM LEGIBLY.
SECTION B: To be completed by the parent, guardian or legal custodian (signature and printed name and address). The signature confirms all information is correct as submitted to the office. 
Completed applications must be returned to the school prior to issuing the work permit. Incomplete applications cannot be processed NO EXCEPTIONS.
Student or parent who bring the completed form to the school will receive the work permit at that time. It’s a very quick process. 
Students needing a work permit who attend a private school, cyber school, charter school or who are in a home school education program should contact the Administration Center of Education at 717-938-9577 to scheduled an appointment to complete the paperwork. Student will need to bring their birth certificate with them to the appointment. 
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