Every student in the West Shore School District will be offered an educational program that meets his/her individual needs and is suited to his/her unique abilities. Specific programs and services are provided for students who are in need of:
- Autistic Support - communication, social skills, and self-regulation supports
- Gifted Support - enrichment and acceleration supports
- Learning Support - academic supports (reading, writing, and math)
- Life Skills Support - functional academic and independent living skills
- Emotional Support - coping strategies, social skills, and self-regulation supports
- Deaf or Hearing Impaired Support - communication and language supports
- Blind or Visually Impaired Support - visual accommodations and modifications including orientation and mobility supports
- Speech and Language Support - articulation and language-based communication supports
- Physical Support - accessibility supports and accommodations
- Multi-Disabilities Support - functional living and communication skills
Special Education
Educational programs (full-time, supplemental, itinerant) are available in the District or by contract with support agencies for students with a disability. Your child may be eligible for Special Education if he/she:
- Has a physical, sensory, intellectual or emotional disability
- Needs special education as determined by an evaluation team
Your child must meet both qualifications in order to be eligible for special education.
Gifted Support
Mentally gifted is defined as outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both, not ordinarily provided in the regular education program. (22 Pa. Code 116.1)
The gifted program is designed for students (K-12) whose exceptional academic skills require special education activities to challenge their intellectual abilities. Services are based on individual student need and may vary from student to student and grade level to grade level. Services may include direct support and/or support in the regular education setting.
Protected Handicapped
Children who have disabilities which substantially limit their participation in or access to school programs, but who do not need special education, may qualify for reasonable accommodations in the regular classroom under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other Pennsylvania education regulations.
For further information or answers to questions regarding the evaluation process or specific special education programs and services, contact the Special Education Department, 717-938-9577.