Parking Pass Applications will be available starting August 27th. Seniors will be given first priority on parking spot location. The 2024-2025 passes are $20 and can be paid with cash, money order or check payable to "Cedar Cliff High School". Students should be sure to provide copies of drivers license, proof of registration and insurance for all the listed vehicles. The application will be pulled if any information is missing, or if the student has an obligation. All passes can be picked up in the main office the week of September 9th. All passes must be displayed by September 13, 2024. Applications can be downloaded below.
Please note we will only process COMPLETED parking applications. Completed applications include the following items:
1. Cash, Money Order or Check payable to Cedar Cliff High School for $20.00.
2. A photocopy of the students PA Driver's License.
3. A Photocopy of vehicle registration for each vehicle.
4. A photocopy of car insurance for each vehicle.
Additionally, school financial obligations must be cleared, and a provision of Board of Administrative probation, parking privileges are revoked while students are on probation. If a student does not have a license, he/she is not permitted to apply for a parking permit.
A returned completed application does not guarantee you a parking permit, and submission of paperwork may not reflect parking permit order. If you do not have a permit, you will not be permitted to park on school property during school hours. All vehicles must be registered in the office to park on school property.
Parking Regulations (A limited quantity of parking permits will be issued for student use during the year.)
While student parking at the high schools has always been viewed as a privilege that can be revoked for misuse of the privilege or for serious disciplinary violations, it had previously been open to any students with a driver’s license who drive to school even on occasion. Increased enrollment and requests from students for parking permits have necessitated the need to revise parking privileges. Additional information is available on the parking application.
- During the school day, no student may drive or park a vehicle on West Shore School District property without proper authorization from the building administration.
- Parking permits will be issued to students needing to travel to and from job and/or placement opportunities during the school day. The remaining tags will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. A waiting list will be established. If a parking tag is permanently revoked, it will be given to the first person on the waiting list.
- While the West Shore School District does not regulate parking off of school grounds, students are reminded that they are required to comply with township parking regulations.
- Vehicles found to be parked illegally and/or without a displayed parking pass are subject to being ticketed by Lower Allen Township Police Department.
Parking Rules
All cars must be registered with the building administration by obtaining a registration tag and completing proper forms. Registration tags must be displayed in the vehicle at all times while on school property.
Vehicles must be parked in the space corresponding to the tag #.
No cars are to be moved during the day without permission from the administration.
Students are to use the designated entrances and exits to lots.
Students are to use designated parking areas.
Travel is limited to 10 miles per hour while on school property.
All students should lock their vehicles during the school day.
No student will be permitted in his/her vehicle during the school day without permission from a building administrator.
Vehicles not properly registered or parked illegally may be ticketed by Lower Allen Police Department.
School officials reserve the right to inspect vehicles on school property. Students are responsible for the contents of their vehicles.
Students are not permitted in the parking lots except during the time of arrival and departure from school without permission from the administration.
Students must exit vehicles immediately upon arrival to school. Loitering is not tolerated.
Students must obey all Pennsylvania laws while on school property.
Driving recklessly, exceeding the speed limit of 10 mph, and/or parking illegally, may be reported to the police.
Violations of these regulations will result in disciplinary actions which may include detention, suspension or parking privileges being suspended or revoked. No refund if pass is revoked.
Other Regulations Pertaining to Attendance, Behavior and Financial Obligations
Absences and tardies to school will impact a student’s privilege to drive to school. For disciplinary consequences, refer to Absence and Tardiness Policies.
Parking tags are given to individuals for specific vehicles. No other person but the person for whom the tag has been issued may use the tag.
Students must realize parking is a privilege that may be revoked for reasons related to a student’s disciplinary record. As a provision of Board or Administrative probation, parking privileges are revoked while students are on probation.
Under the provisions of Board Policy 218 Student Discipline, disciplinary consequences will be imposed for the following reasons:
= No parking permit displayed
= Vehicle not registered
= Unauthorized use of another student’s permit
= Vehicle parked improperly
= Inappropriate behavior related to vehicle on school property
Students receiving suspension, in school or out of school, may lose parking privileges as noted below:
= First suspension – 5 days loss of parking privilege
= Second suspension – 10 days loss of parking privilege
= Third suspension – loss of privilege for remainder of the school year
School financial obligations must be cleared to receive or retain a parking permit.