Do you have a school specific question or comment? Please use the links below to send a message directly to building administration.
Cedar Cliff High School
School: 717-938-6561
Absence Calls: 717-938-6564 between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Allen Middle School
School: 717-932-1295
Absence Calls: 717-938-3599
Nurse: 717-938-8852
New Cumberland Middle School
Fairview Intermediate School
School: 717-774-2970
Absence Calls: 717-901-9917
Old Trail Intermediate School
School & Absence Calls: 223-234-9750
School: 717-938-6565
Absence Calls: 717-938-6567 from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Highland Elementary School
School: 717-901-9860
Absence Calls: 717-901-9715 from 4 p.m. until 9 a.m.
School & Absence Calls: 717-774-1321
Newberry Elementary School
Dr. Travis Peck, Principal School: 717-938-2111
Absence Calls: 717-938-9777
Red Mill Elementary School
Mr. Ryan Deveney, Principal School: 717-938-3778
Absence Calls: 717-938-3795
Rossmoyne Elementary School
School & Absence Calls: 223-225-9729
Washington Heights Elementary School
School & Absence Calls: 717-761-8040
Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center (CPACTC)
School Phone: 717-697-0354