Red Land Disc Golf Course

About the Disc Golf Course

disc golf course
The Red Land Disc Golf Course winds its way across Red Land High School's campus and includes 18 tee boxes.

Please use the course at your own risk. We do ask that all guests curb their pets. As a reminder, hunting, fishing, and trapping are not permitted on school property. Additionally, security cameras are in place around the school campus.

  • Disc golf is played with similar rules to traditional golf, with the goal of completing the game in the least number of throws.
  • Each hole begins at the designated tee and subsequent throws are made from where the disc comes to rest.
  • Hole is finished when disc is supported by chains or basket.
  • Player farthest from the target throws first.
  • Lowest score from previous hole tees off first.
  • A run up and follow through are always allowed, except within 10 meters of the target, which is considered a putt.
  • On fairway, throw from a spot in line with the target and within 12 inches behind where the disc landed.
  • Allow faster groups to play through.
  • Pedestrians and other campus users have the right of way.  
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