About Our School

Cedar Cliff High School has been an integral member of the West Shore community for more than fifty years. A major renovation project was recently completed, which includes additional classrooms; a revamped gymnasium, auditorium and cafeteria; and the addition of a new library. To address the needs of 21st century learners, thirty-eight interactive whiteboards grace our classrooms, enabling teachers to bring learning to life through technology. Students are able to access our school’s electronic library resources from home via the Internet or at school utilizing one the many wireless laptops made available to them. The Bring Your Own Device initiative allows students to utilize personal devices such as laptops, iPads and smartphones in order to enhance the educational experience and seamlessly blend the students’ technology use between home and school. Our PowerSchool computer program allows students and parents to access grade and class information online from home, while teacher websites, Twitter and Facebook are used to enhance the connection between home, school and the community. Connect Ed facilitates communication through automated phone calls placed to homes that provide timely information on school events, weather closings and much more.

Cedar Cliff’s tradition of academic excellence continues as the Class of 2013 sent 78.36% of its graduates on to schools of higher education, including US military academies and the Peace Corps. It is with pride and gratitude that we salute the 10 members of the class of 2013 who have chosen to serve in the US military. Academic achievement at Cedar Cliff High School is fostered by a solid curriculum with Advanced Placement offerings for college credit in courses such as Art History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Economics, World and US History, English Language and Composition, and World Languages. Students have the opportunity to earn college credits through our Dual Enrollment agreement with Harrisburg Area Community College. Course offerings at Cedar Cliff allow students to obtain designations in Microsoft Office Specialist I and II. Technology courses provide opportunities to learn Computer Aided Drafting (CADD) and Robotics.  Our distinguished JROTC holds the coveted “Honor Unit with Distinction” designation and continues the proud tradition of sending students to military academies. Students have the opportunity to learn in the field through a Senior Project workplace and school collaborative.

Extracurricular activities provide a multitude of opportunities for student growth, including a full range of interscholastic sports, many of which qualify for post-season playoff competition. Our arts programs consistently excel, as music, art, and writing students garner state and national recognition. The Student Technology Association provides students with the support needed to compete at the national level. Over fifty school clubs provide students with the opportunity to explore their interests, and curricular clubs such as SADD, Key Club, Student Council and National Honor Society develop leadership and life skills.  

Support for all students is provided through our guidance department, including counseling services from outside agencies and our Student Assistance Program. A comprehensive Pathways program guides students to successful career transitions. Special education services encourage student enrichment through our Special Interests program, and support services are offered in both itinerant and supplemental classrooms.

Cedar Cliff High School is committed to excellence in education. We are as proud of our students and their achievements as they are to wear Cedar Cliff gold, blue and white.
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