We are Colonel Joseph Diminick and 1st Sergent Mike Sullivan. We are both retired from the United States Army. We teach Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) here at Cedar Cliff.
This is our 17th year teaching JROTC. The JROTC program consists of four levels, or LETs. LET stands for Leadership, Education Training, and is basically the foundation of the JROTC curriculum. (COL Diminick usually teaches LETs 2 and 3, while 1SG Sullivan usually teaches LETs 1 and 4).
The mission of JROTC is "to motivate young people to become better citizens." We are not a recruiting system for the Army, so if you decide to take this class it is not mandatory you join the Army after high school. For those looking to go into the services this is a good class to take to see if you will like it in the service. You will have to wear uniforms so bear this in mind when you take this course.
The Cedar Cliff JROTC program is an Honor Unit With Distinction and has retained that distinction throughout its 17 year existence.
Our motto is "We Bust Ours to Kick Yours"