General Information

Transportation Exception Requests - forms can be found in the Transportation section of the website. In order to prevent beginning of the year confusion and delays, consider filling out requests now. This will allow transportation to process your request during the summer when they are developing routes versus making corrections at the start of school.

***Students are not permitted to ride a bus they are not assigned to by the transportation department. Transportation for after-school projects and socializing is the responsibility of the student and their family.  

Educational Trip Requests - Trip requests must be submitted to the office 5 days prior to departure date for approval. You must include a description of the educational experiences available to your child while on the trip. Students will not be approved to miss the first or last 10 days of school. Forms are located on the Parents tab of the website. Please call Ms. Scott is you have any questions regarding this procedure. 

  • Tech Ed fee - $10
Tech Ed fees are due the first week of the quarter that the student is enrolled in tech ed and can be paid during class or directly to the office. Please contact the office or your child’s school counselor if your family could use assistance in paying this fee. 

Cash or check payable to Allen Middle School.

Daily Announcements - Announcements are made at approximately 8:16am and 1:50pm.  The Daily Announcements web page is updated regularly.  

Absence Information - If your child is going to be absent, call the office number 901-9552 to report the absence. All absences will be marked UNEXCUSED until we receive a note excusing the absence. Notes must be submitted within 3 days of any given absence. Requests for work will be granted after 3 consecutive absences. 

"Messages" - Please make every attempt to communicate after school arrangements with your child before sending them to school.  It disrupts the classroom when we interrupt to relay messages.  Please only call in cases of emergency.

We have noticed that many students are not securing their lockers with their combination lock. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to make sure their things, including textbooks, are protected while at school. Locker issues/problems should be reported to the office immediately.

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