Transportation Exception Request

About the Transportation Exception Process

A District Transportation Exception form may be used to request a bus stop different from the assigned stop associated with the child’s residence provided the alternative stop is in the same school attendance area as the child’s school.  Such exceptions are typically requested for babysitting purposes but can be requested for a different stop in the area of the child’s home.   

A completed form must be submitted at the child’s school and signed by the principal before being sent to the Transportation Office for consideration.  Such factors as length and distance of runs, number of stops on a run and consideration of the terrain and road conditions are all considered in the approval or denial of an exception request.  Parents will receive a letter from the Transportation Dept. indicating the approval or denial of a requested change and the effective date of the change.  

Questions regarding exception requests may be directed to Kristene Dormuth at 717-938-9577. When calling, if you get our automated system, select Departments, then option 4, to connect with Transportation. Thank you.

Guidelines for Administrative Approval of Transportation Exceptions

  • Requests for the relocation or addition of a bus stop must be made in writing to the transportation office and can be approved only by that office.
  • The building principal may approve written requests for transportation alternatives that do not exceed five (5) consecutive school days. 
    • No student will be permitted to change stops or ride another bus unless an emergency situation exists. Requests based on employment, baby-sitting, scout activities, shopping, appointments, etc. will be denied by the building principal. 
    • Principals shall contact the transportation office to determine if seating space is available on a given bus before granting permission for a child to ride a bus as a temporary exception.

  •  All other requests for transportation exceptions/alternatives must be made in writing on this form and submitted to the building principal who will initial and forward to the transportation office.
    • Parents of children who are holding approved transportation exceptions for the present school year, and are seeking approval for the same exception in the next school year are requested to submit their requests for exceptions in March. Those requests will be given priority consideration as the transportation schedules are developed in March through June for the new school year. Formal approval of continuation requests will be issued in July.
    • Requests by new families must be made by August 1 prior to the new school year.

  •  Written approval from the transportation office must be received by the parent before a child may ride a bus as an exception.

  •  Exceptions will be considered only for one stop/one bus, students may not be assigned to multiple bus stops.

  • Exception requests will only be considered for locations in the attendance area of the child’s home school. (For example, a Red Mill student will not be transported to a care provider in the Newberry attendance area.)
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