Dual Enrollment

Early College Pathway

An early college pathway with a local college or university allows qualified West Shore School District students to earn college credits through Advanced Placement (AP) courses in the home school, HACC’s College in the High School (CHS) and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses offered on-campus at approved post-secondary institutions.  Dual enrollment courses may take place at the college or university as well through on-line or distance learning options.  The Early college options allow students to simultaneously enroll in coursework that fulfills high school graduation requirements while also meeting general education or elective requirements in approving post-secondary colleges and universities.  

Each student’s path may be uniquely different based upon his/her future goals and abilities.  This personalized learning plan for each student should be developed in collaboration with the high school counselor and the college advising department.  An Early College Pathway may result in significant savings in time and tuition for Cedar Cliff High School and Red Land High School students.
In addition to the options below, many others also exist for students interested in an Early College Pathway.  Please see your school counselor for additional information.

Harrisburg Area Community College

hacc logo

College in the High School Options with Harrisburg Area Community College include the following courses:  

  • College Composition I  
  • College Composition II  
  • College Algebra
  • Anthropology
  • Contemporary American History 
  • College Psychology
  • Modern Art
  • College Computer Applications
  • Exercise and Stress Management
  • Living Fit and Well 

All other HACC courses are available for Dual Enrollment and HACC course descriptions can be found in the HACC course catalog. Please see your school counselor for more information and look for new certification based pathways being developed for West Shore School District this spring.  A sample HACC Pathway may be downloaded below.

HACC - EDUC - 110 Foundations of Ed. 
1 Credit      1.06 Weight
Dual Enrollment

Prerequisite(s):  Completion of all developmental reading and writing courses required as a result of the College Testing and 
Placement Program. 

Introduces students to the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the PA Department of Education. This course covers the purposes, structure, impact of schools, teaching methodology, curriculum and the teaching profession as they relate to students, families and society. Students observe and reflect upon professional dispositions and behaviors in diverse settings during fifteen hours of field experience. Students earn four (4) credits for transfer from HACC

Harrisburg University of Science & Technology

HU logo
The District is entering into an affiliation agreement with Harrisburg University of Science & Technology for students interested in Dual Enrollment with HU.  Please see your school counselor for additional information.  High school students who wish to attend HU on a full-time basis prior to high school graduation may also be admitted through the Early College program at HU.

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology offers you a chance to earn college credit while still in high school through the Dual Enrollment program. This program provides a student the opportunity to be introduced to the college environment, explore majors, and get a head start on a Bachelor of Science degree. The dual enrollment program helps to promote success in college by providing the students with exposure to a college level course and motivating students to pursue college enrollment after graduation from high school.  By participating in Harrisburg University’s Dual Enrollment program, you may earn high school and college credit simultaneously. Once you successfully complete your courses, you will earn conditional acceptance to Harrisburg University for admission to a degree program. The credits you earn and the grades you receive are recorded in your University transcript. If you choose not to attend Harrisburg University upon graduation from high school, the credits earned may transfer to another college or university.

Course options include the following courses:  

  • College Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (MEBA 110 Harrisburg University)
  • College Speech (HU COMM 110)

Summer Credit Opportunities
Please CLICK HERE to visit our Career Education website for details about summer credit opportunities at HU and other colleges/universities in the area.  

Penn College NOW

penn college logo

The Penn College NOW program provides the opportunity for qualified high school students to earn Pennsylvania College of Technology credits during the school day at career and technology centers and high schools across Pennsylvania at no cost to the student.  

Course options include the following courses:  

  • PC MGMT 105 Introduction to Business
  • BIM 120 Social Media in Business and Society
  • PC 131 US Government and Politics

Central Penn College

central penn logo Central Penn College's mission is to provide degree-seeking students from a variety of academic backgrounds a rigorous, flexible, and holistic education to support student success, and to bridge theory and application, fostering graduates who have a positive impact on their professions and communities.

Central Penn College offer’s associate, bachelor's and master's degree programs that can put you on the fast track to career success in a wide variety of fields.  With classes held year round, you can finish your degree in just three years, plus an internship.  84.7% of Central Penn graduates were employed in their chosen field or continuing their education within one year of graduation. 

Credit through Certification

ace logo

The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®) has evaluated and recommended college credit for the following Certiport Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams:

  • MOS: Microsoft Office Word 2019
  • MOS: Microsoft Office Excel 2019
  • MOS: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019

What is Dual Enrollment?

A high school student may attend an approved post-secondary institution or an approved, duly licensed/accredited trade, technical, or vocational school if he/she meets the following criteria:
  • Applied and has been accepted at an approved post-secondary institution.
  • Enrolled, as a part-time student, in a minimum of two (2) credits at the District’s high school, including any required credit courses for graduation. 
  • Submitted the program of studies for each semester for review and approval by the building administrator and the Director of Secondary Education. 
  • Accepted that he/she will continue to be ranked with his/her graduating class with courses counting with the same weight as Advanced Placement courses. 
  • Reviews all other guidelines located in Board Policy 217.

Students are responsible for tuition costs; reduced tuition is available for WSSD students, per Board Policy 912.  

Additionally, the student shall be responsible for transportation, books, and incidental expenses. Continuation in the program is dependent upon satisfactory achievement in the program and at the respective high school.  

Dual Enrollment Grade Conversion


High School Equivalent











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