
Elective Graduation Requirements: 7.5 Credits (total for all curricular departments)
Courses and studio experiences involve the student, individually and in small groups, with problem-solving, discipline, and skill development through various media.

While art courses may generally be elected by any student in any curriculum, the art curriculum does prepare the individual for a professional career in art. It offers a broad art education that provides a basis for entrance into a college or art school. It also provides experiences necessary for employment in art or art-related fields.  

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight

This is the introductory course to the Drawing and Painting Visual Arts Pathway.  The activities are intended to provide exposure to a number of studio concepts and experiences pursued in the visual arts program.  Observational skill building, spatial analysis and composition development are emphasized using a variety of media and 2-D processes within the framework of aesthetic, historical, and critical understanding.  

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory Completion of Drawing & Painting

This course continues to explore the Drawing & Painting Visual Arts Pathway through drawing, painting, and printmaking. A range of subject matter such as still life, portraiture, landscape, and nature are investigated through a wide variety of techniques and 2D media.  Observational drawing and painting continues to be an emphasis in this course.  The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathways is to enroll in the Independent Studio – 2-D/Digital course.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight

This is the introductory course to the Animation Visual Arts Pathway.  The course is designed as an introduction to working creatively with moving images as a communication tool.  Students complete several short and long-term projects that utilize both 3-D and 2-D traditional/digital animation techniques. Projects are thematic in nature and deal with personal, social, and environmental issues.  Drawing is an emphasis during this course and computer technology is incorporated as a major component of the animation process.  

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of Animation I

This course continues to explore the Animation Pathway by building upon both previously learned 3-D and 2-D traditional/digital animation techniques.  Projects become more student centered, collaborative, and continue to be thematic in nature by investigating personal, social, and environmental issues.  Projects become more student centered, collaborative, and continue to be thematic in nature by investigating personal, social, and environmental issues. Drawing is an emphasis during this course and computer technology is incorporated as a major component of hte animation process. The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathway is to enroll in the Independent Studio - 2-D/Digital course.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight

This is the introductory course to the Design and Digital Media Visual Arts Pathway.  This course explores computer technologies as a design tool.  Original drawings, paintings, and digital imagery are imported and manipulated to develop individual ideas and concepts.  The course includes basic computer functions, equipment, language, programs, and activities related to the use of the computer as an expressive, professional, and informative media. 

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s):  Satisfactory completion of Design & Digital Media I 

This course continues to explore the Design and Digital Media Pathway by building upon previously learned computer functions, equipment, language, and programs.  The emphasis continues to be on developing the students understanding and use of computer technologies as a design tool.  Original drawings, paintings, and digital imagery continue to be imported and manipulated while exploring more complex individual ideas, opinions, and concepts.  The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathways is to enroll in the Independent Studio – 2-D/Digital course. 

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight

This is the introductory course to the Ceramics Visual Arts Pathway.  This course develops basic hand building, wheel throwing, and sculpture skills.  Instruction is given in the elements of visual expression such as line, shape/form, space, texture, color, and value as it applies to 3-D design.  An introduction to mold making, glazing, staining, and firing with emphasis on developing and analyzing the creative process occurs.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of Ceramics I

This course continues to explore the Ceramics Visual Arts Pathway.  The first marking period students will build upon prior knowledge of basic hand building, wheel throwing techniques and surface treatments.  The second marking period students get to choose to place their concentration on either hand building or throwing or a combination of the two.  The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathway is to enroll in the Independent Studio – 3-D course.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight

This is the introductory course to the Sculpture Visual Arts Pathway.  This course is designed to provide instruction in a variety of basic sculpture techniques.  Through the use of materials, clay, plaster, wood, wire, and found objects, students learn basic mold-making, modeling, carving, assembling, and joining techniques.  Students receive exposure to contemporary and historical practices in sculpture.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of Sculpture I

This course continues to explore the Sculpture Visual Arts Pathway by enhancing the skills and processes learned in Sculpture I.  Indoor and outdoor sculpture are explored in a variety of materials and processes.  Creative growth and problem solving are encouraged in the development of ideas and projects.  The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathway is to enroll in the Independent Studio – 3-D course.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight 
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of any 2-D Level II course and Teacher Recommendation

This course can be viewed as a 3rd level in the Drawing & Painting, Animation or Design & Digital Media Pathways.  This course is student centered and each individual will collaborate with their instructor and peers to develop meaningful projects that help investigate and develop their 2-D and Digital artist process.  Students will learn to identify and address their artistic strengths and weaknesses while continuing to explore higher order concepts, materials and media in alignment with their individual Visual Arts Pathways.  The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathways is to enroll in the yearlong Honors Studio course.

.5 Credit      1.0 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of any 3-D Level II course and Teacher Recommendation 
This course can be viewed as a 3rd level in the Ceramics and Sculpture Pathways.  This course is student centered and each individual will collaborate with their instructor and peers to develop meaningful projects that help investigate and develop their own 3-D process. Students will learn to identify and address their artistic strengths and weaknesses while continuing to explore higher order concepts, materials, and media in alignment with their individual Visual Arts Pathways. The next step for a student wishing to continue on this Visual Arts Pathways is to enroll in the yearlong Honors Studio course.

1 Credit      1.03 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion in either of the Independent Studio courses and Teacher Recommendation 

This advanced course focuses on several areas of study in the 2-D, 3-D and Digital Arts.  Development of a portfolio reflecting the individual students’ interests and artistic strength is a requirement of the course.  In collaboration with the instructor(s) and peers, each student is expected to generate their own subject matter and demonstrate creative and analytical thinking.  This course is designed for both the college bound student who wishes to major in the arts and the student who wishes to engage their art process and thinking at a higher level.  The portfolio developed in this course will satisfy all requirements for college acceptance and once accepted student will continue to create works that align with the art scholarship process. 

.5 Credit      1.06 Weight
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of English II Level I and Teacher Recommendation 

The student gains an understanding and knowledge in architecture, sculpture, painting, and other art forms within diverse historical and cultural contexts.  Students are evaluated through written essays, research projects and papers, and objective tests.  Art History Advanced Placement is designed to prepare the student for taking the Advanced Placement test in Art History.  

.5 Credit      1.06 Weight

Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of a Level I art studio course and Teacher Recommendation or Satisfactory completion of a Level II art studio course with an 86% average

This course is a rigorous, portfolio-based course. This course aligns with the district's emphasis on personalized learning, as students will self-direct the theme and media choices for their portfolio. The Advanced Placement Art and Design program will allow students to choose from three different pathways which include:  Drawing, 2-D or 3-D portfolio options. Completion of this course is designed to prepare the students for taking the corresponding Advanced Placement test.

1 Credit      1.06 Weight
Dual Enrollment
Prerequisite(s): Students must enroll at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and pay tuition and required fees as well as purchase the textbook.

This course is designed as a college in the high school course with three (3) transferable HACC college credits. Students will study the development of modern styles in painting, sculpture, architecture and the graphic arts from their origins in the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. Emphasis is placed on styles and philosophies developed by modern artists and the elements of visual art they used, adapted, or invented. This course is offered to students from both high schools but is taught at Cedar Cliff. College in the high school courses are typically scheduled for students to attend in-person only Monday/Wednesday/Thursday. Staff hold open office hours on Tuesday/Friday for student support. 

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