Secondary transition is the process of preparing students for life after they leave high school, including participation in post-secondary education or training, employment, and/or independent living. These three areas are often referred to as "post-school outcomes" and are the driving force behind Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) written for students in high school. Transition planning begins at age 14, in middle school or early high school, as students explore what they want their post-school outcomes to be through career awareness exploration activities. Planning continues through high school as instruction and community experiences support these outcomes. By beginning and continuing to discuss transition prior to and during high school, the IEP team can work with each student and the student's family to select courses of study that will be meaningful to the student's future and motivate the student to complete his or her education.
Parent’s/Caregiver’s Active Role in Transition Planning
Attend all IEP meetings for your son/daughter.
Have your son/daughter attend his/her IEP meeting.
Openly share with your son/daughter what his/her disability is so that he/she can begin to self-advocate for himself or herself now and as an adult.
Attend transition planning events offered by your district or community.
Help your son/daughter and the IEP team identify his/her strengths/needs.
Discuss with your son/daughter job-related skills such as the importance of attendance, being on time, appropriate attire for work (even jobs as teens), professionalism, and self-advocating for assistance.
Provide other self-advocacy opportunities such as making appointments, managing money, shopping skills, and arranging transportation.
Become familiar with agencies that may provide services for your son/daughter.