To identify students who may be eligible for special education services, various screening activities are conducted according to state regulations, school policy, upon recommendation of school staff, or upon written request from the parents. Screening activities include but are not limited to: review of group based data (cumulative records, report cards, ability and achievement test scores); hearing screening; vision; and the application of standardized screening instruments. Screening is carried out in the student's home school.
When screening results indicate a student may have a disability, the District will seek parental consent to conduct a Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation (MDE) as a step in the process of identifying a student as eligible to receive an Individualized Education Program (IEP) with appropriate support and related services. Parents may also request a multidisciplinary evaluation by written request to the building principal.
Programs and services offered to students with a disability are based on the recommendations of a multidisciplinary evaluation and biannual or triannual reevaluation. Following this evaluation, a team of school personnel and parents determine individualized goals and objectives and specially designed instruction. The IEP is designed to meet identified student strengths and needs. The IEP is reviewed and revised on an annual basis.
Educational Placement
The extent of special education programs, related services, and the location for the delivery of such services are determined by the IEP team.
Recommendations are based on the student's identified needs for specially designed instruction, chronological age, and the level of intervention. Services are required to be provided in the least restrictive environment for the student.
Placement options include:
- Supportive intervention in the regular class
- Supplemental intervention in the regular class or in a resource room
- Part-time or full-time special education class in a regular school
- Part-time or full-time class at a location other than the regular school
A continuum of services and programs is available to provide instructional support to students recommended for screening and found by that screening to need assistance to achieve in school according to the documented needs and abilities of the student. A continuum of services will provide instructional support to assist eligible students to benefit from regular education programs, to the maximum extent that is appropriate.
An appropriate program of education for each student with a disability will be developed based on the unique needs of the student and will include opportunities to interact with noneligible students as appropriate. The eligible student will follow the approved curriculum of the District when appropriate. The eligible student's educational program will be designed to prepare students to participate fully and independently in the community, including preparation for employment or higher education.
These educational programs are available in the District or by contract with support agencies for students with a disability.