About Our School

Red Land High School is located in Fairview Township, York County, at 560 Fishing Creek Road, Lewisberry, Pennsylvania. We opened our doors in 1964. Then, the faculty consisted of three administrators, 45 teachers and two secretaries. Renovations and construction projects occurred in 1975, 1988, 1999, and most recently, 2009.  

The school prides itself on providing a variety of offerings that include diversified technical education opportunities, varied levels of course offerings throughout the core subjects, a very strong fine arts program and a wide range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Red Land is a student-centered learning environment where synergy flows in the classroom. The West Shore School District is avant-garde with educational initiatives such as comprehensive literacy, Career Pathways, and 21st Century Skills.  

Red Land High School is proud of its academic success. In 2018, 78% of the seniors pursed higher education, while two seniors were among The Patriot-News Best and Brightest.  One student was also a National Merit Scholarship Finalist and one student, having enrolled in HACC, met the associate's degree requirement. Students chose to attend schools such as Notre Dame, John Hopkins, and The Pennsylvania State University.  The Science Olympiad team made the State tournament for the fourth straight year.  It is especially important to acknowledge that 21 graduates of the Class of 2018 enlisted in the military. Students took Advanced Placement exams with 80% of the students receiving a score of 3 or better over the past three years.  The Marching Patriots won the Tournament of Bands Region 6 Championships and proved to be contender in the United States Band Association receiving 3rd place honors in Group 5. Red Land High School was also represented in County, District, and Regional Orchestra, Chorus, and Band Honor Festivals. Two students were considered two of the finest student musicians in the state as they were selected to PMEA All-State Band and Chorus, respectively.

Red Land, one of two high schools in the West Shore School District, provides a technologically up-to-date learning environment for the approximately 1150 students who are enrolled in grades 9 through 12 with a full-time equivalent of 75 professional staff. The average class size at Red Land High School is in the mid-20’s with 99 percent of the classes at 30 or under. More than 230 courses are offered, including 14 advanced placement courses, 6 honors classes, and 19 vocational-technical classes.  

Educational services are provided to students who need additional support or acceleration. A number of opportunities are available for students to earn college credit while in high school through dual enrollment. Four counselors, one per grade, guide students through the career exploration process. An independent study during a student’s senior year is offered to enhance the educational program and give students a capstone experience that provides them with an opportunity to use their skills and knowledge from the classroom in a real-life work setting. The West Shore School District is also a member of the Cumberland-Perry Vocational-Technical School. During the 2017-2018 school year, 29 students passed the NOCTI test and earned a Pennsylvania Skills Certificate. Students in grades 9-12 may elect to pursue an area of interest in the vocational and technical field.

West Shore School District encourages open communication with the school’s community. Parents have an opportunity to be a part of a variety of advisory committees that meet on a regular basis. These include Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) at the building level, Music Boosters, and various extracurricular parent groups. Teachers and students also have similar opportunities to meet with the superintendent and building administration. Input is solicited from the various groups for certain changes made in the District.

Red Land High School’s athletic program consists of activities designed for boys and girls that are aimed at the development of wholesome competition, physical aspects of human growth and development, athletic excellence, pride in the school and community, and self-esteem. Twenty-one athletic teams compete yearly for the Patriots. On the athletic playing field, Red Land had 16 teams qualify, or had seniors qualify for District playoffs, and four team qualified, or had seniors qualify for State playoffs. It is also important to note that 14 graduates from the Class of 2018 are moving on to compete in athletics at the collegiate level. Standards for academic performance have been established by the PIAA as well as the District to be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition. An interscholastic manual is available that outlines guidelines and board policies with regard to eligibility and participation in athletics in the West Shore School District. Athletics are viewed as an important and integral part of the total education program at Red Land and are open to participation by all students.

A host of extracurricular opportunities are available to students based upon their individual interests and talents. Among them are exceptional music and theater programs as well as yearbook, school newspaper, Debate, Student Council, National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, and Key Club to name just a few.

As visitors tour our school, they see why we proudly say, “We are Patriots for Life!”
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