Red Land Student & Parent Information

Parent Involvement

Our heart-felt goal is to establish a partnership between the parents, teachers and school.  We invite you to become involved in our school.  We have listed several ways you can become involved:

  • All-Sports Booster Club
  • Volunteer to Chaperone a School Function
  • Volunteer for the Fall Play or Musical

We look forward to working with you and your child in assisting them to meet their goals and achieve success!

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Pick Up and Drop Off Information

To ensure all children are arriving to and leaving school in a safe manner, whether that be in a parent vehicle, school bus, walking, or as a student driver; we need your assistance in following these procedures.

  • During normal arrival and dismissal times, pick up and drop off students at the back of the school only.
  • Stopping cars in the grassy area along the Pleasant View Road entrance obstructs visibility of students, staff, and parents leaving the school. Students should not be entering or exiting vehicles along Pleasant View Road.
  • Maintain a single lane of traffic along the back of the school. Double parking creates safety issues by blocking or reducing visibility for children and vehicles, as well as increasing foot traffic in, around, and between vehicles. 


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