Make-Up of Failures

Failures are to be made up in summer school if the course is offered.  Only a course in which a student achieves a final grade of 50% or higher can be made up in summer school without administrative approval.  Required subjects must be repeated if failed.  If needed, elective subjects may be made up to fulfill prerequisites or achieve additional credits.  
Senior year exceptions, with prior administrative approval, will be considered.  Subjects failed by underclassmen in the fall semester may not be repeated during the spring semester of the same school year without administrative approval; however, successful summer school efforts will permit more flexibility in scheduling and will allow the student to stay on track toward graduation.
Additionally, students may also repeat courses already passed with a grade of 70% to 76%.  Students repeating courses because of failure or because they have received a grade of 70% to 76% will receive both grades on the report card and transcript for ranking purposes.  Only one (1) credit will be awarded for a given course. 
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