Early Admissions

A senior student may be granted permission to attend classes at an approved two or four-year college if he/she meets the following requirements:
  • Has satisfactorily completed 16 credits in previous high school years.
  • Has an earned average of 86% in high school courses completed to date.
  • Applied to and been accepted by a college.
  • If attending college on a part-time basis enrolls in a minimum of two credits per year at the home school, including courses required for graduation, or if attending college as a full-time student, elects courses that will meet the high school graduation requirements.
  • Agrees that student's family accepts responsibility for all costs for matriculation at the college.
  • Submits a copy of his/her college grades to the high school at the established intervals observed by the college.
  • Provides transportation to the college at no cost to the District.
  • Maintains a satisfactory standing as determined by the college and high school in the program.
  • Accepts the possibility of withdrawal from the college courses and the ensuing difficulty of returning to full-time classes at the high school. 
  • Informs the high school of his/her intent by January 31 to participate in the graduation ceremony.
  • Realizes that the student will no longer be ranked with his/her graduating class.

A senior may attend on a part-time basis an approved and duly licensed/accredited trade, technical, or vocational school if he/she meets the following requirements:

  • Has satisfactorily completed 16 credits in previous high school years.
  • Is performing satisfactorily as determined by a high school committee composed of one counselor, two faculty members (including one cooperative education teacher), and a building administrator. 
  • Has applied and has been accepted at an approved trade, technical or vocational school.
  • Enrolls in a minimum of two credits at his/her high school, including credits in any required courses for graduation. 
  • Accepts responsibility for all costs of matriculation at such approved school.
  • Provides transportation to and from approved school. 
  • Maintains a satisfactory standing at both schools as determined by the committee and approved school. 
  • Submits copies of trade school marks to the high school at the intervals used by the trade school. 
  • Recognizes the possibility of withdrawal from the trade school and the ensuing difficulty of returning to full-time classes at the high school.
  • Informs the high school of his/her intent by March 1 to participate in the graduation ceremony. 
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