Academic Contracts (Board Policy 118) are offered to properly qualified students. Contracts will be planned at the building level, follow the requirements for a planned course, include minimal time and report requirements, assessment standards, (written and/or oral), and include regular supervisory conferences between the student and a teacher.
The student seeking approval for an academic contract project shall be required to:
- Request an application from the counselor.
- Complete the application with the participating teacher.
- Submit the application to the building principal for approval.
- Submit the application for approval to the Director of Secondary Education.
The following guidelines relative to academic contracting are suggested:
- Contracting to make up a failed course will only be done in summer school if the course is not available through regular summer school offerings and regular school year scheduling.
- No summer contracting will be offered in co-op or Pathway Internship.
- Summer school contracts will be available only for remedial purposes.
- Remedial contracting will only be available for seniors (at least 16 credits after summer school the third year) during the school year. Seniors may only contract for one remedial credit during the school year. A maximum of 7 credits should be earned during a regular school year.
- Online courses for remedial purposes may be permitted during the school year.
Suggested guidelines for academic year credits are:
- The maximum number of credits (regular, classroom, and/or contracting) that can be earned during summer school is 2.
- The maximum number of credits which can be earned by a student between the first day of school and the close of summer school each year is 9 unless prior administrative approval is granted.
Academic Contracting Special Option
- Contracting for underclassmen will be considered as an option for acceleration purposes when the regular schedule cannot accommodate the student or when the course/class requested is beyond the scope and sequence offered at the high school.
- Students wishing to access this option must request consideration in writing to the principal of the building by June 1st of the year preceding the planned program. This can be done through the completion of an Academic Enrichment Contract.
- The student must provide a brochure or pamphlet outlining the program and explaining the course of study when the application is made.
- A committee from the school will determine approval or disapproval of all requests.
- It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that grades from the program are reported to the school quarterly in time for inclusion on the report card, if deemed appropriate. Otherwise no credit will be given.
- Final grades for this course must be provided to the school no later than the end of the semester.
- Failure to meet the above requirements may result in no further requests for future exceptions being considered.
- No student may take more than 2 credits per year in this manner and must take a minimum of 4 credits per year at the high school.