Each resident/student wishing to comment shall have one (1) opportunity for public comment related to business items and one (1) opportunity for public comment regarding general items.
- Requests to comment must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.
- Requests to comment must be submitted on the appropriate form (known as the blue card) available at the meeting. The form must be completed fully.
- When addressing the Board in person, public comments will be limited to four (4) minutes.
- The Board or Administration may respond to comments at their discretion.
- Requests to comment received after the meeting has started will be provided to Board members following the meeting for review; however, individuals will not have the opportunity to speak publicly.
- Should a new agenda item be added for discussion after the start of the meeting, public comment will be received on that new agenda item until the time that agenda-related public comments have concluded.
The Board and Administration values public comments and participation; however, to ensure meetings are conducted efficiently and in an orderly manner, individuals appearing before the Board are expected to follow these guidelines.
- In person public comments will be timed and limited to four (4) minutes. If speaking as part of a group who shares the same interest, please consider selecting a spokesperson.
- If you wish to distribute documents to the Board, provide them to the Board Secretary or Committee Administrator with this form. Submission of the documents will be noted in the minutes.
- Comments are to be shared from the podium and directed to the entire Board, not one individual Board member, Administration, staff member, or the audience.
- Speakers are expected to observe proper decorum.
- Parents may share their own child’s name, but are asked not to mention other children by name.