Applications for a work permit, PDE-4565, are available in the guidance office and the front office during school hours throughout the school year and during summer office hours. The application may also be printed from the link provided below.
The minor may complete section A (name, sex, color of hair, color of eyes, any physical work restrictions, place of residence, place of birth, and date of birth). Please print on the form legibly.
Section B is to be completed by the parent, guardian or legal custodian: signature and printed name and address. If there are no physical work restrictions, please list, "None." The signature confirms lack of any physical restrictions or if there are any, what they are.
Completed applications must be returned to the school for issuance of a work permit. Incomplete applications cannot be processed- no exceptions. Students who do NOT attend Red Land High School must bring proof of age with them (birth certificate, passport, driver's license - date of birth must be on form).
Students can normally receive the completed permit when they bring the form to the school. If submitting via mail or email, please let us know if you will come to RL to pick up (include phone number to call please!) or if it is to be mailed to the home address.
When coming to RL to get the application, if parent is along to sign the form, the work permit can usually be completed and returned at that time. It's a very quick process.
Please Note:
Students needing a work permit who attend a private school, cyber school, charter school, or who are in a home education program, should contact the Administration Center, 938-9577, to make an appointment to complete necessary paperwork. Students will need to bring their birth certificate and a parent/guardian with them to the appointment.