S.O.S. Hotline

See Something, Say Something

See Something Poster
Since 2001, the West Shore School District has utilized a violence prevention S.O.S. (Save Our Students/Staff) Hotline.
The S.O.S. Hotline may be reached by calling 717-932-1840 or by emailing [email protected].
Messages left on either S.O.S. Hotline are checked each morning and throughout each school day. 
The purpose of the hotline is to provide students and parents an avenue for anonymously reporting the possession, use and distribution of drugs and alcohol, or the potential threat of violence against students and staff members.
Students and parents are encouraged to speak with a teacher, counselor or administrator regarding any concern they may have. However, when an individual feels a face-to-face discussion may not be a viable option, telephone or email contact with the S.O.S. Hotline is certainly appropriate.
Anyone may report a concern using the S.O.S. Hotline in whatever format he/she feels is appropriate. The following points may be of assistance in making a report:
  • describe what is going to happen
  • when it will happen
  • name of the individual responsible
  • school
  • grade
  • home address of the individual if known

The more information contained in a report the easier it is for officials to stop a potential threat of violence. It is not necessary for the caller to give his/her name, but it may be done if the caller feels a private conversation will be of value.

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