Tuberculosis Test and Volunteers

Pennsylvania Health Services Rules and Regulations (Title 28. Health and Safety) requires that individuals must present documentation of a negative tuberculosis test/status before providing services to students in schools. This law applies to employees and volunteers. The documentation must be current and the TB test must have been administered within 3 months preceding the initial date of employment/service.

Applicants for employment and volunteers are responsible for obtaining this test documentation, either from one of the district's certified school nurses or from his/her health care provider. 
Tb tests can also be obtained at:

UPMC  Pinnacle Urgent Care
Patient First Urgent Care
MedExpress Urgent Care

Your Family Doctor
Penn State Holy Spirit Urgent Care Camp Hill
CVS Minute Clinic
If provided by the district, there is a $20.00 fee at the time the test is administered.  You are asked to pay via a check or money order made payable to "West Shore School District".  The certified school nurses will administer TB tests at evening clinics at various times during the school year.  Please stay tuned for more information from the district.   Tb testing during the summer months can be obtained through your health care provider or at an urgent care facility. 

Volunteers must submit the TB documentation form to the principals of the school where volunteering or to their program coordinator.

A tuberculosis test is not required annually if a volunteer’s service to the school or the District is continuous (at least one occasion of volunteering annually).

Please note that during the summer months, when school is not is session, any prospective applicant for employment and volunteers must arrange to have the test administered by his/her health care provider.

Effective July 1, 2014 the West Shore School District has revised the process to require any returning volunteer or prospective volunteer provide the District with an original Act 34 PA Criminal History Record Check (State Police Clearance), obtained at the volunteer’s expense that is less than one (1) year old at the time of submission.
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