Pinnacle Hospital Co-Op

Internship Opportunity with Pinnacle Hospital

The Program

Each semester two Cedar Cliff students have the opportunity to serve as a volunteer in the hospital. Departments include but are not limited to: ER, Central Sterilization, Radiology, Physical Therapy, Patient Discharge. This NOT a shadowing program, you are assigned daily tasks to complete. The ability to interact with medical professionals on a daily basis will give the student great insight into whether a career in the medical field is the right choice for them. The video is of Olivia Cunningham who participated a few years ago. This program was cancelled for the 2020-21 school year due to COVID. Is it hoped that it will return for the 2021-22 school year.
This program is all about what you make it. If the student is engaged and contributing the staff is much more willing to expand what is seen and done.  
Applications are due to Mr. Miller by March 12, 2021 at 3:00PM. PM. There will be NO extensions to this deadline. Please see Mr. Miller with questions.


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