The information below is from the course catalogue. Students who successfully complete the program will receive .5 credit. This course takes place after school. Students must provide there own transportation.
Weight: 1.00 Credit(s):.50
The ACE Mentor Program of America, Inc. (ACE) helps mentor high school students and
inspires them to pursue careers in design and construction. The ACE mission is to engage,
excite and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering, and
construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry.
Teams are composed of 15-25 students and their industry mentors. Each team is set up to
emulate an actual design team, with students guided through a mock design project by their
architect, engineer, and construction management mentors. Several companies will be
assigned to each team, each providing one or two mentors. Mentors guide the students as
they work towards a final project, introducing them to the careers, industry vocabulary, and
various roles companies play in the construction industry. ACE runs for the duration of the
school year. The teams meet for approximately 15 sessions, for about two hours after school.
In addition to these team sessions, there are also all-team activities such as "College Night"
and field trips to construction sites. Each team meets on a specific day of the week, with
varying meeting locations where possible. The meetings are held either in schools or at the
offices of the firms to give the students as authentic an experience as possible.
Transportation to and from the meetings is generally the responsibility of the students