JDK Group

Internship Opportunity with JDK Group

The Program

A ten-week program where seniors chosen from 10 mid-state school districts have the opportunity to spend 90 minutes each day exploring careers in a dynamic, progressive business.  Students will rotate the first five weeks through five departments. They will then pick a specific department to concentrate on during the final five weeks.

This is a hands-on program, not watching but doing. This runs second semester from 1:00-2:30 each day.

PLEASE FIND THE APPLICATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE - you will need to complete and return it along with the requested video to the two email addresses on page two of the application.. 

In the video below you will hear from the four CCHS students who participated this year. There is also a flyer which you can download, located below the video. 


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Please note the application is due March 1st.
This will provide additional information about this exceptional opportunity.
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