Free Breakfast and Lunch
For the 2024-25 school year, ALL West Shore School District schools qualify to serve one free breakfast and one free lunch to every student, regardless of their family's economic status. This means EVERY student in the West Shore School District will receive free meals! Any additional servings beyond one free breakfast and one free lunch per day will require payment.
Elementary Lunch Menus
New for elementary students in 2024-2025--there will be 4 menu options:
Option 1--main entrée--usually hot
Option 2--alternate entrée--usually a sandwich or salad
Option 3--PBJ
Option 4--Packer Buddies--this “meal” is designed as a supplement for packers, so they can receive a free milk. Current version is cheese stick, gold fish, fruit, vegetable, and milk. They only have to take three of the items and one of them needs to be a fruit/vegetable. We encourage students who are not packing lunch to select Option 1, 2, or 3.
Food Service Employment Opportunities
The Food Service Department continues looking for permanent part-time and substitute staff members. If you are looking for part time school year work opportunities (generally 4-5.5 hours per day), the Food Service Department might just be the place for you. Please complete our
online application and begin working on getting your
background checks for employment. The starting wage for 2024-2025 is $15/hour for entry level positions.
Are you interested in running a school cafeteria? We have two full time food service positions (HS and OT) for candidates with food service experience. These positions start at $16 per hour.
Physical Activity and Nutrition Advisory Council Seeks Members
The District’s Physical Activity and Nutrition Advisory Council (PANAC) serves as an advisory committee regarding student health issues, periodically reviewing and recommending changes to the District’s Student Physical Activity and Nutrition Policy. PANAC also serves as a Food Services Advisory Council providing students, parents/guardians, and staff the opportunity to provide feedback on the District’s Food Services Program.
PANAC continues currently looking for students, parents, and staff who may be interested in participating on the council for next year. Each building is encouraged to have a staff member, a parent, and/or a student participate. Meetings are scheduled for 3:30 at the Administration Center on September 11, 2024, November 13, 2024, February 12, 2025, and April 9, 2025. Please contact Dr. Argot
[email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.
Online Fees
Effective January 1, 2024, for those who submit electronic payments through LINQ Connect, the credit and debit card convenience fees for all payments will be 3.95% of the transaction amount with a minimum fee of $2.85 per transaction, while ACH or eCheck transactions, if applicable, will be a flat fee of $1.85 per transaction. By way of example, a payment of $85 would be charged $3.24 for card payments or $1.85 for eCheck payments.
What does a meal look like?
We are providing “offer vs. serve” this year. This means that food service will offer fruit, vegetable, milk, grain, and meat or meat alternative for lunch, but students only need to take three of these components. One must be a fruit or a vegetable. For instance, a chicken patty on a bun with sliced apples would count as a meal. Milk is not a requirement. Students may have two fruits and two vegetables as part of their free meal.
Parents of students who have a medical necessity for variations to the meal requirements are encouraged to have their student's medical provider complete and return the
Medical Plan of Care for School Food Service to your school's office.
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks
Please click
here for more information about this year's Summer EBT/SUN Bucks program.