Meal Requirements

Reimbursable Breakfast & Lunch Information

Offer versus serve or OVS is a concept that applies to menu planning and the meal service. OVS allows students to decline some of the food offered in a reimbursable lunch or breakfast. The goals of OVS are to reduce food waste and to permit students to choose the foods they want to eat. Because students may choose fewer selections under OVS, guidance is provided on what constitutes a reimbursable breakfast and lunch.

Reimbursable School Breakfast

Breakfast consists of three food components:

  1. Fruit (or vegetable substitution)
  2. Grain (and sometimes Meat/Meat Alternative)
  3. Milk

Under OVS for breakfast:

  • all students, at any grade level, must select at least three food items (some items count as two, ex. a breakfast sandwich)
  • at least four food items must be offered
  • student must select at least half a cup serving of fruit or vegetables (juice counts as half a cup of fruit)

Reimbursable School Lunch

Lunch consists of five food components:

  1. Fruit
  2. Vegetable
  3. Grain
  4. Meat/Meat Alternatives
  5. Milk

Under OVS for lunch:

  • all students, at any grade level, must select at least three of five food items (some items count as two, ex. pizza)
  • at least five food items must be offered
  • student must select at least half a cup serving of fruit or vegetables or a half cup total serving of both fruit and vegetable
  • Students may take up to two vegetables, up to two fruits

Information provided by the District's Food Service provider Sodexo.
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