Wellness Policy & Nutritional Standards

Student Wellness

In 2014, new nutrition standards from the United States Department of Agriculture called "Smart Snacks in School" went into effect.  The standards, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, allow schools to offer healthier snack foods to children. The USDA's "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards are available for download here.  To view smart snack resources including answers to frequently asked questions, a food calculator, and ideas for healthy school celebrations, click here.
The District’s Physical Activity and Nutrition Advisory Council (PANAC) serves as an advisory committee regarding student health issues, periodically reviewing and recommending changes to the District’s student wellness policy (246: Student Physical Activity and Nutrition). Every three years the District is required to complete a formal evaluation of this policy and building administration is required to assess how well individual schools are implementing the policy. The most recent assessments are found online
Policy 246 - Student Physical Activity and Nutrition outlines guidelines in the areas of nutrition education, physical activity, physical education, nutrition, and other school based activities including the food services program and fundraising projects.  The policy also refers to the District's Nutritional Standards for Competitive Foods.  The standards provide guidelines for the following areas:


During School Day (Not Vending)   
  • Must complete with Smart Snacks in Schools regulations and Student Physical Activity Nutrition Policy requirements.
  • < 200 calories per serving
  • Single serving size 
  • Foods of MNV not available during school day
  • < 35% total calories from fat + < 10% from saturated fat
  • < 35% of sugar by weight and not first ingredient
  • Minimal trans fatty acids
Outside School Day
Will support healthy eating by limiting foods high in sugar, fat, sodium, and trans fat.

Classroom Parties & Rewards

Classroom Party Foods and Beverages
  • Moderate in sodium
  • Minimal trans fatty acids
  • > 2 grams of fiber/serving
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables preferred
  • Water, 100% juice, or milk (1% or nonfat) preferred
  • No foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (MNV)
Food should not be used as a reward unless incorporated into an activity that promotes positive nutrition messages (examples: guest chef, field trip to farm).

Foods From Home

Parents are encouraged to participate in the National School Lunch Program or provide healthy alternatives. The District promotes and publicizes nutrition standards to parents.

Faculty Lounges

Faculty members are encouraged to set an example for students by not allowing items that do not align with school policy.

Related File

For use under Board Policy 246 - Student Physical Activity and Nutrition (Wellness), Updated November 2018

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