Community Resources

There are many community resources to aid our families. 

Please Note: Information posted below is for reference only and endorsement by West Shore School District should not be implied.

Community Libraries
The libraries in the Cumberland County Library System offer many local resources. Besides borrowing books, movies, and music from their collection, they offer:
  • computers with internet access
  • information about state resources, voting, and taxes
  • job and career help that includes help with writing resumes, searching for a job, and preparing for an interview
  • library services for people with special needs

Fredricksen Library
100 N. 19th Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011
(717) 761-3900

New Cumberland Library
1 Benjamin Plaza, New Cumberland, PA 17070
(717) 774-7820

Simpson Library
16 North Walnut Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717) 766-0171

New Cumberland Library
70 Newberry Commons, Etters, PA 17319
(717) 938-5599 

Adult English Classes
The Employment Skills Center in Carlisle offers free English classes for non-native speakers. See the website to register online.

Tania Bourdon
29 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 243-6040, extension 4424
email - [email protected] 

The Catholic Charities of Harrisburg also offers classes to immigrants and refugees in our area. They offer 15 classes per year, ranging from beginner English to advanced English classes. They offer instruction on English in the workplace, computer labs, US Citizenship, and tutoring programs.

Sara Beck
Catholic Charities
939 East Park Dr., Suite 102, Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 232-0568
email - [email protected]

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)
also offers Adult classes and GED classes. To learn about Community, College and Career, sign up for new student orientation or schedule placement testing, contact:

(717) 780-2449

email - [email protected]

Immanuel Church also offers Adult English classes.  The classes are held on the following days: 

Tuesdays - 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Thursdays - 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Immanuel Church
800 South Market St., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717) 766-4633

email - [email protected]


Tri-County OIC offers English classes to students whose native language is not English. Classes are designed to help students better understand the basic structure of the English language. Teachers will help students speak, listen, and write in English. Our classes are contextualized. They are designed to meet the needs of our learners in their everyday lives. What students learn in class can be applied immediately. Classes are held at several locations in Dauphin and Cumberland counties. Small group, one-on-one, and distance learning instruction are available.  

Call (717) 238-7318

Bible Baptist Church offers English classes for all levels as well as a citizenship class. Call the number below for more information. 
201 West Main Street
Shiremanstown, PA 17011 
(717) 761-6040

Social Services
Here are some local agencies that may be of help, copied from What to Know about Cumberland County: A Beginner's Guide to Human Services prepared by the Cumberland County Homeless Assistance Program, Revised June 8, 2021.


New Hope Ministries 
Weekday Hours: 9 am. to 4 pm. 
Provides persons living in the West Shore area with emergency & referral services such as heat, utilities, housing, medical assistance, transportation and Job Junction.  A food bank is available on site.  Food pantry open daily from 9am-4pm (Call for information).  If they qualify, clients can be referred for free/reduced rate medical services, PA American Water Co. and utility bill services such as Met Ed and Penelec electric help for the CAP program are also on premises.  Clients are able to access COMPASS service which allows individuals access to screen for, apply for and renew a broad range of social programs: health care coverage, food stamps benefits, and cash assistance.


5228 East Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
(717) 766-7333

     West Shore
     701 Bosler Avenue, Lemoyne, PA 17043
     (717) 774-6255 

Additional information for general assistance can be found by clicking here.


County Assistance Office 
Food Stamp information available:  
(717) 240-2700
(800) 269-0173

Department of Public Welfare Helpline
(800) 692-7462
TDD for hearing impairments (800) 451-5886
Apply online for information through Compass website.

Local Food Banks 
Please go to the one closest to your house.

     Christian Life Assembly Food Bank
     2nd Tuesday, 9:00 - Noon
     2645 Lisburn Road (at Church), Camp Hill, PA 17011
     (717) 737-6560

     New Hope Ministries Food Bank - Mechanicsburg
     5228 East Trindle Road Mechanicsburg PA 717-766-7333
     Monday-Friday 9am-4pm by appointment 
     Saturday 10am-12pm (no fifth Saturday appointments) 
     Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7pm-9pm Tuesday 4pm-6pm (no fifth Tuesday appointments).

     New Hope Ministries Food Bank - Mechanicsburg
     701 Bosler Ave Lemoyne PA 717-774-6255
     Monday-Friday 9am-4pm by appointment 
     Saturday 10am-12pm (no fifth Saturday appointments)      
     Thursday evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm (by appointment)         
     Mobile Food Pantry: Third Saturday of each month from 10am-11am


Bountiful Blessings offers non-consumable goods to those in need.  Those who receive through Bountiful Blessings are required to give back to the program through volunteer time.   Contact number: (717) 802-1222

Red Land Baptist Church 
2nd and 4th Saturday, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
661 Big Spring Road, New Cumberland, PA

Vibrant - A Christian Church 
1st and 3rd Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1775 Lamb's Gap Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 
Community Aid
Thrift store providing clothing, household and collectible items. 50% off all items on Wednesdays.
4833 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
(717) 412-7706

Goodwill Store 
Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.  
Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Source of low cost used clothing, used household goods and furniture.  
1200 Market Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 737-6134

Salvation Army Family Store
Monday through Saturday, 9:00 am. - 7:00 pm.
3901 E. Trindle Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011
(800) 728-7825


Ambulance - Call 911

Offers free services for children’s medical care offered to children ages 0 through 15.
(800) 543-7101

CUMBERLAND CARES for Families (Cumberland County Aging & Community Services) 

An in-home visitation program to support and educate parents of children (Pre-natal to age 5). Cumberland Cares for Families focuses on goals the family wants to pursue with a family development social worker guiding and supporting those efforts.  Direct help with child development and parenting skills is offered along with information and support to access other social services to meet financial, medical, counseling, housing, legal, and educational needs. No fees!

18 North Hanover Street, 3rd Floor Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 240-6172  


LIHEAP/Crisis/Weatherization Heat Programs
Three programs for low income households offered by the County Assistance Office that normally operate from mid November through March.  

County Assistance Office early November of each year 
33 Westminster Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013 
(717) 240-2700
(800) 269-0173

Metropolitan Edison (MET Ed) Electric 
(800) 545-7741
Possible financial help at New Hope Ministries (PCAP)
5228 Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
(717) 766-7333

PA American Water Company 
(800) 717-7292 
Possible financial help at New Hope Ministries (PCAP)
5228 Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
(717) 766-7333

PPL Electric 
1030 McClay Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103
(800) 342-5775

On Track 
A low income program that helps with lower bill payments and debt forgiveness.  
Tri County Community Action
(717) 232-9757 - ask for the On-Track Program

UGI (natural gas) 
(800) 276-2722

Customers Assistance Program (CAP) formerly known as LISHP.
Must already be on a payment service. 

LIURP (Low Income Usage Reduction Program) if dwelling is heated by UGI, with landlord’s permission, UGI will weatherize unit. 
Call (800) 844-9276 to see if eligible.  

Operation SHARE is a UGI gas program for Cumberland County customers who are not enrolled in the CAP program.
(800) 844-9276


Capital Area Transit (CAT) (main bus station)
Provides transit services with reduced fees. Call for free bus route booklet.
901 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 238-8304


Mid-Penn Legal Services - Cumberland County 
Weekday Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
Serves persons of low income with free legal advice. Performs services especially in areas of crisis, domestic violence, housing concerns, custody (limited), public benefits, and unemployment issues.
401 East Louther Street Suite 103, Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 243-9400
(800) 822-5288

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