Attendance Exception Requests

Guidelines for Administrative Approval of Attendance Exceptions

Attendance exceptions for the new school year must be submitted no later than August 1 (unless you are a new resident to the district) and may be granted for the following reasons: 
  1. Child Care – If child care is outside of the home school attendance area (grades K-5 only).  Before and after-school care, also known as “latchkey” services are provided at every school and are not a reason for requesting an exception. 
  2. Emotional Reasons - If a request is being made for emotional reasons, attach a letter from a psychiatrist to the exception request (required). 
  3. Physical Issues – If a student has needs that cannot be met in their home school building (example: need for elevators or air conditioning). If not already included in student’s Special Education Plan, attach a letter or note from a medical professional (required). 
  4. Moving WITHIN the District – Move must occur prior to November 1 or after March 31. Simply “moving” prior to March 31 is not a reason for granting an attendance exception request. 
  5. Moving INTO the District – Must occupy residence prior to November 1. Proof of residency documentation is required (i.e. lease, deed, mortgage or settlement statement). If building a home, along with a building permit, the following must be attached to the exception request: a construction agreement indicating the date of occupancy; or a notarized statement from a realtor or builder showing the residence address and date of occupancy.  NOTE:  If not a resident of the West Shore School District by the date indicated, parent/guardian may be subject to tuition payments. 
  6. Moving OUT of the District – Move must occur after March 31 (grades K-10 only).  For juniors and seniors, move must occur after March 31 of the junior year. 

Important Information Regarding Attendance Exceptions
  • An Attendance Exception Request will not be granted for any grade level within a school, regardless of the reason, if the class size is within two students of the maximum class size permitted by Board guidelines.
  • Transportation for child care within the same attendance area: A Transportation Exception Request (available on the District website) must also be submitted to the building where you want your child to attend.  Applies to transportation to/from child care to building where you want your child to attend only.  Child care must be in the same attendance area as the building where you want your child to attend. 
  • Transportation not meeting the guideline above will not be granted and is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 
  • Families of students in grades K-10 that move outside the District, on or after April 1, are subject to tuition payments calculated on a daily basis. 
  • Students moving within the district after November 1 who are attending a school which is not their “home” school must return to their “home” school as determined by residence. Exceptions to the November 1 date will be made on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Parents requesting an Attendance Exception will be notified as soon as a decision is made. Due to fluctuations in class sizes within a given building, it is not unusual for some decisions to be made one or two weeks prior to the opening of school. 
One form per student. Please print both pages.
One form per student. Please print both pages.
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