
As a means of enhancing the health and safety of its students, staff, and visitors, the District has doses of the opioid antagonist Naloxone, the medication used to treat a narcotic overdose in an emergency situation, available in its buildings. Narcan is a commonly used brand of this medication.

The certified school nurse assigned to each building is a licensed health care professional who will supervise building-level administration of Naloxone. In consultation with the school nurse, administration shall identify appropriate employees to be trained in the use of Naloxone. Training will include recognizing opioid related overdoses, how to administer Naloxone, and when/how to properly seek medical attention.

Any incident involving a student found to be under the influence of an opioid while on District property, at a school-sponsored activity, or being transported to/from school or a school-sponsored activity on District provided transportation, regardless of whether or not Naloxone is administered, shall be subject to the conditions outlined in Board Policies 218 Student Discipline and 227 Drug and Alcohol Awareness. These include, but are not limited to, referral to the District’s Student Assistance Program.
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