Greetings Hillside Families & Community Members! Thank you for visiting Hillside's site.
We invite everyone to get involved with our PTO! Hillside's PTO meets the first Monday of every month at 6:00 pm in the Library.
Nothing is more important than the relationship between school and the parent/guardian in attaining one common goal: doing what is best for children. Whether it is by way of attending PTO meetings, volunteering, or ensuring you are on top of your child’s regular events through their daily agenda, we ask for your continued support. There are some GREAT things happening here at Hillside, don’t hesitate to get involved and experience the fun for yourself!
VOLUNTEERS: Thank you to all the parents who already completed the Volunteer approval process this year. The information can be found
at school is an excellent way to experience first hand the educational
environment your child is a part of each day. IF you plan to attend
a field trip you MUST be approved.
Please remember that school opens at 8:35 a.m. each day and students should be dropped off as close to this time as possible as there is no supervision prior to 8:35 a.m. Also, We dismiss promptly at 3:35 pm, so please plan your pick-ups for this time. PLEASE be cautious when driving to/from school. Always stop for any stop signs.
As always, thank you for your support of our school, please contact Hillside's office if you have any questions.
Julie Dougherty