Hillside Elementary School is a true community school serving the children of the New Cumberland area. Approximately 610 students attend kindergarten through fifth grade. Most students walk to school, and students and their families can be seen playing on the fields and equipment after school and on the weekends. This feeling of the school being an integral part of the community has led to the active involvement of families and community members. Hillside has always set a priority on helping families in time of need and has participated in food and clothing drives. Many community businesses offer support to Hillside through the Partners in Education program.
Nearly 50 percent of Hillside students attend Hillside for their entire elementary program. Children continue their education at New Cumberland Middle School and Cedar Cliff High School. The majority of professional staff holds advanced degrees, and each staff member attends a minimum of 30 hours per year of staff development activities.
Hillside Elementary School is a Schoolwide Title I building. The allows us to provide additional support to all students in the areas of math and reading. Reading support is offered during the school day and at our after school BOOST program while extra math support is offered in our after school BOOST program.
Hillside is “Home of the Huddle.” Students meet regularly to celebrate birthdays, academic accomplishments, and recognize achievements and special events outside of school. Each Huddle has a different theme designated to strengthen the “community” of learners at Hillside. The Huddles are used in conjunction with the Hurt Free School initiative that teaches children about positive school behaviors that help to create a welcoming school climate.
The District’s language arts curriculum is based on the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students in grades K, 1, and 2 participate in a nightly home reading program. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are required to read monthly selections in a variety of genre and complete regular book projects. Hillside is also proud to be a literacy partner with New Cumberland Public Library. The District has developed a rigorous elementary math program based on the Pennsylvania Academic Standards and recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The curriculum builds a strong foundation for successful learning in math. Both enrichment and accelerated opportunities are incorporated to meet individual student needs.
Students attend specialized art, music, library, and physical education classes. Hillside band, and orchestra opportunities for fourth and fifth graders and chorus in fifth grade. Students also benefit from participation in annual events such as musical performances, dramatic productions, Academic Bowl, and a variety of family-oriented activities sponsored by the PTO. Computer skills instruction occurs with current curricular content.
Parents and family members are always welcome visitors to Hillside. Many of our parents visit for lunch and attend PTO events. The PTO provides resources for field trips, assemblies, school store, and after school activities. Hillside’s annual Fall Picnic, Holiday Shop, Movie Night, Skating Parties, Principal’s Pajama Party, and Field Day are attended by a majority of Hillside families.