Engineering, Manufacturing, & Technology

Program Overview

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Planning, management, and movement of people materials, and goods by road, pipeline,
air, rail and water and support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and
management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.

Architecture and Construction
Designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining of the built environment.

Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final
products and related technical support activities such as production planning and control,
maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Planning, managing, and providing scientific research and services including laboratory and
Testing services and research and development services.

Possible Career Paths

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Health, Safety and Environmental Management
Industrial Safety and Health Engineers

Logistics Planning and Management Services
Logistics Analysts
Logistics Managers
Sales and Services
Cargo and Freight Agents

Transportation Operations
Air Traffic Controllers
Airfield Operations Specialists
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Freight Engineers
Ship Engineers
Subway and Streetcar Operators

Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Transportation and
Machine and Vehicle Operators
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand
Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerks
Storage and Distribution Managers
Supply Chain Managers
Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders

Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management & Regulation
Aviation Inspectors
Customs Brokers
Freight and Cargo Inspectors
Transportation Planners

Architecture and Construction
Construction Managers
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Construction Trades
Solar Energy Installation Managers
Solar Photovoltaic Installers

Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Civil Engineers
Interior Designers
Landscape Architects
Mechanical Drafters

Geothermal Technicians
Stationary Engineers and Boilers Operators
Wind Turbine Service Technicians

Biofuels Processing Technicians/Biomass Plant Technicians
Chemical Plant and System Operators
Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal & Plastic
Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers
Grinding and Polishing Workers, Hand
Industrial Engineering Technicians
Industrial Production Managers
Mechanical Engineering Technicians
Nuclear Power Reactor Operators
Numerical Tool and Process Control Programmers
Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics  
Engineering and Technology
Aerospace Engineers
Architectural and Civil Drafters
Biochemical Engineers
Chemical Engineers
Computer Hardware
Electrical Engineers
Energy Engineers
Engineering Managers
Fuel Cell Engineers
Industrial Engineers
Logistics Engineers
Manufacturing Engineers
Marine Engineers and Naval Architects
Materials Engineers
Mechanical Engineers
Nanosystems Engineers
Nuclear Engineers
Petroleum Engineers
Product Safety Engineers
Quality Control Systems Managers
Robotics Engineers
Solar Energy Systems Engineers
Technical Writers
Transportation Engineers
Validation Engineers
Water/Wastewater Engineers
Wind Energy Engineers

Science and Math
Atmospheric and Space
Biochemists and Biophysicists
Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology & Product Development Managers
Bioinformatics Scientists
Environmental Economists
Environmental Restoration Planners
Geospatial Information Scientists and
Industrial Ecologists
Materials Scientists
Microbiologists/Molecular and Cellular Biologists
Non-Destructive Testing Specialists
Park Naturalists
Quality Control Analysts
Survey Researchers
Water Resource Specialists
career in engineering If you enjoy problem solving and getting involved in your community, then engineering may be the right career choice for you. Please CLICK HERE to explore all that the engineering field has to offer.

STEM Engineering Program

Northern York logo
The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program, delivered through Project Lead the Way curriculum is a series of courses that are designed for students interested in design and engineering. 
The West Shore Shore School District has established a partnership with Northern York County School District (NYCSD) for students interested in a program in STEM Engineering Program.

This agreement between the two districts allows select Cedar Cliff and Red Land High School students to attend Northern High School in order to participate in either their Agricultural Science or STEM Engineering program.  Select Northern High School students may also attend West Shore School District.

Two students from each high school may apply each year for the following school year.  There are additional requirements governing this agreement.  Interested students should contact their counselor prior to the established course selection deadline. 
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