Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Program Overview

Production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources includes food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources.

Possible Career Paths

Agribusiness Systems
Financial Managers, Branch or Department
Purchasing Agents and Buyers, Farm Products

Animal Systems
Animal Scientists
Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists

Environmental Service Systems
Environmental Engineers
Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health
Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators

Natural Resources Systems
Geological and Petroleum Technicians
Geological Sample Test Technicians
Natural Sciences Managers

Plant Systems
Soil and Plant Scientists
Soil and Water Conservationists

Agricultural Science Program

Northern York logo
Agricultural Sciences provides instruction through a series of courses in Animal and Plant Sciences, Environmental Science, Natural Resources Management, Agriculture Mechanics and Agriculture Management. 
The West Shore Shore School District has established a partnership with Northern York County School District (NYCSD) for students interested in a program in Agricultural Science Program.

This agreement between the the two school districts allows select Cedar Cliff and Red Land High School students to attend Northern High School in order to participate in either their Agricultural Science or STEM Engineering program.  Select Northern High School students may also attend West Shore School District.

Two students from each high school may apply each year for the following school year.  There are additional requirements governing this agreement.  Interested students should contact their counselor prior to the established course selection deadline. 
planting seeds If spending time outdoors interacting with nature is a favorite pastime for you, a career in Agriculture & Natural Resources could be a good fit.  Careers in the agriculture and natural resources involve planning, managing, and performing agricultural production, horticulture and landscaping services, and related professional and technical services; planning, managing, and performing mining and extraction operations; managing and conserving natural resources; and performing related environmental services.
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