Human Services

Program Overview

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland
security, including professional and technical support services.

Human Services
Careers related to serving families and a wide range of human needs. 

Education and Training
Planning, managing and providing education and training services and related learning
support services.

Government and Public Administration
Governmental functions including Governance; National Security; Foreign Service,
Planning:  Revenue and Taxation; Regulation; and Management and Administration at
the local, state, and federal levels.

Possible Career Paths

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Correction Services
Correctional Officers and Jailers
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
Social Workers, All Other

Emergency and Fire Management Services
Emergency Management Specialists
Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
Fire Fighters
Fire Investigators

Law Enforcement Services
Criminal Investigators and
Social Agents
Forensic Science Technicians
Police & Sheriff’s Patrol Officers
Police Detectives
Transportation Security Officers

Legal Services
Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers
Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators
Law Clerks
Paralegals and Legal Assistants

Security and Protective Services
Intelligence Analysts
Loss Prevention Managers
Private Detectives and Investigators
Security Management Specialists
Security Managers

Human Services
Consumer Services
Loan Counselors
Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers

Counseling and Mental Health Services
Marriage and Family
Mental Health Counselors
Rehabilitation Counselors
Social and Community
Service Managers
Substance Abuse/
Behavioral Disorder Counselors

Early Childhood Development and Services
Child Care Workers, Family and Community Services
Child, Family, and School Social Workers, Clergy
Medical and Public Health Social Workers
Residential Advisors

Personal Care Services
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Personal Service Workers
Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors
Funeral Directors
Hairdressers, Hairstylists, Cosmetologists, Massage Therapists

Education and Training
Administration and Administrative Support
Education Administrators
Instructional Coordinators

Professional Support Services
Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists
Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors
Instructional Designers  and Technologists

Adaptive Physical Education Specialists
Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, and GED Teachers
and Instructors
Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary
Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary
Coaches and Scouts
Communications Teachers, Postsecondary
Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary
Special Education Teachers
Teachers and Instructors
Vocational Education Teachers

Government and Public Administration

Climate Change Analysts
Urban and Regional Planners

Public Management and Administration
Court Clerks
Postmasters and Mail Superintendents

Compliance Officers
Detectives and Criminal Investigators
Financial Examiners
Government Property Inspectors and Investigators
Licensing Examiners and Inspectors

Revenue and Taxation
Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate
Tax Examiners, Collectors, and Revenue Agents
holding hands Are you able to be flexible and adapt quickly, and to make quality judgments under stressful situations? Do you like working with diverse groups of people and serving the public? Do you possess emotional stability and strong self-esteem? This may be the career pathway for you! Careers in this pathway appeal to people who enjoy interacting with other people and who are interested in helping people solve their problems.
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