What is ExCEL?

student on computer

ExCEL Virtual Learning Academy is powered by CAOLA, the Capital Area Online Learning Association, providing full and part-time online learning for your child.  CAOLA is a collaborative effort between the Capital Area Intermediate Unit and member school districts to provide flexible online learning options for our students. CAOLA’s web-based courses meet the increasing demand for high quality student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and next generation software.

Why choose ExCEL?

ExCEL Virtual Learning Academy Benefits
  • Your student will remain enrolled in the West Shore School District and can earn their Cedar Cliff or Red Land High School diploma from home.
  • Your student will still be connected to their home building for musicals, clubs and extracurricular events.
  • Your student can participate in all sports, clubs, and events offered by the West Shore School District including commencement.
  • Our free program offers: full-time online curriculum, single course options, credit recovery, summer school, as well as advanced placement options.
  • We provide free access to a laptop, maintenance, and technical support!
  • Your student will enjoy increased schedule flexibility over other cyber school programs.
  • Students receive special education supports from our in-house Learning Support Teachers.
  • Our advisors are here to help you navigate the system, get students needed supplies and keep you connected to your home building. There are optional office hours/weekly meetings available for interested students.
Elementary (grades 1-5) Benefits
  • Your student is able to attend specials (art, music, library, gym, etc.) at their home building.  Parents must provide transportation to and from school.
  • Live support from our full time course monitor to help answer questions.
  • Students can attend all PTO sponsored events held at their home school.
Middle (grades 6-8) Benefits
  • Live support from our full time course monitor to help answer questions.
  • Students can attend all PTO sponsored events held at their home school.
High School (grades 9-12) Benefits
  • Students are able to select from a large catalog of courses.
  • Students can attend full time online or choose a blended schedule where they attend some classes in person and some classes online.
  • Students have the opportunity to take accelerated classes and get ahead on credits.

How will my student be supported in ExCEL?

student smiling with a backpack on

Need Help?  We're Here! 

  • Our program is tailored to meet the needs of individual students providing content presented by Pennsylvania state certified educators.
  • Our online lessons utilize the latest forms of video–based instruction, educational multimedia, webquests, interactive reading exercises, online teacher support, custom textbooks and more.
  • In addition to receiving live homework help from your child’s ExCEL teachers, our very own West Shore Online Learning Advisor is here to support your student.
  • Our Online Learning Advisor is there to support students’ pacing, providing encouragement to students who work ahead, and support for students who need help staying on track. 

Is ExCEL a good fit for my child?

students smiling together

Students find success when... 

  • they enjoy taking control of their learning.
  • they ask questions and actively engage with their teachers 
  • they talk with their parents/guardians about their progress, grades, and review minutes as well as course and instructor information.  
  • they stay connected to the district and participate in district-sponsored events, clubs, sports, and events.

When is the best time for my student to join?

Students do best when they join ExCEL during key transition points in a school year. The best time to begin ExCEL is at the very beginning of a school year. 

This sounds like a great fit for my student!

student enjoying time working on a computer

Are you currently registered with the West Shore School District? 

Yes - Great!  
Please click here to complete the ExCEL Inquiry Form.
We’ll use the information you provide to get you to the right ExCEL team member.

No - No problem.  
Please click here to register your child with the District.

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