Rules for Riding the Bus

Kindergarten Student Bus Procedure

To ensure the safety of our kindergarten students, if a parent or responsible guardian is not waiting at the bus stop when the student is to be dropped off, the bus driver will not allow them to get off the bus. The kindergarten student will be returned to school and parents contacted.

General Bus Behavior

To assist transportation drivers in carrying out their responsibilities for the conduct and safety of their passengers, the District hereby gives District drivers authority to apply all District rules and regulations. Student passengers who refuse to cooperate with the driver will be disciplined in accordance with District Board Policy 810, Transportation, and District Board Policy 218, Student Discipline. By policy, students who commit serious or repeated infractions of transportation rules and regulations may be suspended from riding District transportation.
The school’s responsibility extends to the bus stop. Appropriate action will be taken by the principal regarding improper behavior. To aid the drivers in maintaining discipline on the buses, the District has installed video/audio camera equipment on buses (limited video/audio on smaller units). Videotapes/audio tapes may be used in disciplinary hearings.
  • Be at your approved bus stop at least five minutes prior to the designated time of that bus stop.
  • Remain at least 10 feet back until the bus comes to a complete stop when boarding, and move immediately away from the bus at least 10 feet after getting off the bus.
  • Always cross in front of the bus after looking both ways, and do not touch the crossing arm.
  • Sit properly in your assigned seat, facing front at all times.
  • Under no circumstances are you to stand up or move from your seat while the bus is in motion.
  • No yelling or shouting while on the bus.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself and refrain from hitting others or throwing objects.
  • No eating on the bus without prior permission of a chaperone or driver.
  • Keep all parts of the body inside the bus at all times.
  • Do not tamper with or use the emergency door unless directed to do so by the driver.
  • Be respectful of other students, the driver, and persons in view of the bus.
  • Be cooperative and follow directives given by the driver.
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