General Expectations
- Students are expected to complete all assignments, as outlined in their course.
- Students are expected to check their messaging systems daily.
- Students are expected to communicate with their course instructor and/or advisor when experiencing difficulty or challenges.
GENERAL questions please email Mrs. Brinley Sanders, Online Learning Manager, at [email protected]
Attendance Policy
Students are to submit all assignments and assessments on posted due dates.
- Students are required to follow the course study planner and complete work on time and are welcome to work ahead of pace to ensure timely completion of their course.
- Students and/or parents are expected to communicate with the course instructor and advisor to inform of vacations, or other events during which students will not be completing assignments as required.
- Students are expected to work ahead on their assignments in preparation for vacations and other such events.
Progress Reports and Final Grades
Students and parents have 24/7 access to current ExCEL (CAOLA) grades via the Genius system. Grades and progress are updated nightly.
- Weekly, students will receive a progress report from their course instructor and/or the WSSD Online Learning Advisor.
- Final course grades can be viewed upon course completion.