MTSS - Multi-Tiered System of Supports


In the past few years, the Response to Intervention and Instruction (RTII) name has been replaced by the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in Pennsylvania public schools.  This happened for several reasons, one of which is that simply put – change happens as we move forward in education.  This new acronym demonstrates more fully how schools are helping students. The RTII framework focused on how school districts would intervene and help students, particularly through instruction.  The new MTSS name change indicates this new framework offers multiple tiered systems of support for students.  This includes academic and behavioral supports to meet all the needs of our learners.

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (formerly RTII) allows teachers and other professional staff including reading specialists, special education teachers, and ESL teachers to support students in academic areas of reading.  This tiered model benefits struggling, on-level, and advanced learners to reach their highest potential.

Supporting our students hasn’t changed, but the way in which we can identify, instruct, monitor, and assess learning has improved.  MTSS (formerly RTII) enables our dedicated teaching staff to do their best for ALL students every day!

For parents/guardians, more information about MTSS (formerly RTII):

Pattan – MTSS Overview

RTI Network – Parents and Families

Understood.Org – A website for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities

**The Child Study Team and Special Education process can occur throughout any of the 3 tiers.

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