Health & Safety Information for 2022-2023

Keeping Our Schools Open

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Mask Related Question

Are face coverings (masks/shields) required? 
Masks will be a voluntary mitigation effort in all school, unless case counts in an individual building reach the thresholds outlined by the District and masking is determined to be an appropriate response/action. Refer to the slide above for details.
school nurse taking temperature
COVID-19 Related Questions

What if someone is sick at school? 
Families and staff are strongly encouraged to conduct daily monitoring for symptoms and to contact their primary care provider if they suspect they have COVID. Families should also consider getting a COVID test when symptoms indicate possible COVID. If a student or staff member is ill during the school day, they will be sent to the nurse’s office for evaluation as they are anytime someone feels ill at school.
It is important to remember that although students and staff may be experiencing symptoms, they are not automatically presumed positive for COVID, and they may return to school/work when fever free or their symptoms have subsided for at least 24 hours.
What if someone tests positive for COVID-19? 
It is important that families and staff communicate with school officials. Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 or who shows signs or symptoms of illness should stay home and contact their health care provider for further guidance. 
Following updated guidance from the CDC, individuals who have tested positive for COVID may return to work/school after 5 days if they do not have symptoms or if they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving. They should wear a high-quality mask through day 10.
What if someone is a close contact for COVID-19?
The CDC is recommending that instead of quarantining if you were exposed to COVID-19, you wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.

Will the District conduct contact tracing? 
If a student tests positive for COVID, the school nurse should be notified; however, the District will not contact trace or identify close contacts and will not require healthy students to quarantine due to close contact of a COVID case.

Will the District utilize a COVID Tracker this school year?
The District utilized a tracker to start the 2022-2023 school year. Effective January 14, 2023, the tracker will no longer be updated. If you have concerns about the status of COVID cases in your child's school, please contact the school nurse or principal for information.
Will parents receive notification when a COVID-19 case is reported at their child's school? 
There will not be a building-wide notification of positive COVID-19 cases like last school year, unless reported cases warrant additional mitigation efforts.
washing hands
Mitigation Related Questions

What are the mitigation efforts and safety protocols in place to ensure the health and well-being of our students, staff, and families?
The most important thing families can do to help limit the spread of COVID-19 is to check their children daily for any symptoms and keep them home from school if they are sick or have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Students and staff are expected to complete the CDC's daily home screening checklist each morning before leaving for school. Parents are asked to support school health by keeping children home if they are sick or symptomatic.
  • Families and staff are asked to notify the school of a confirmed/presumed positive COVID-19 test result of an individual who was present in our schools/facilities.
  • Posters around the school will remind students and staff to screen themselves before and after school, sports, activities, and events.
Cleaning and Ventilation Protocols
  • Occupied areas, such as offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, workrooms, and bathrooms, high-touch surfaces, such as water fountains, door handles, and light switches will be cleaned daily while students and/or staff are present.
  • Safe cleaning products (ex. soap and water) for use on individual or shared learning spaces and materials will be provided for staff and student use throughout the day.
  • Adjustments to HVAC systems and building procedures will continue to increase the amount of fresh air exchange. HVAC systems will run for a minimum of two hours prior to and following occupancy in all spaces per ASHRAE, EPA, and CDC guidance. HEPA filtration (air scrubbers) will be located in each nurse’s office as recommended by ASHRAE.
  • Students and staff will be encouraged to wash hands frequently, using soap and water. Additional reinforcement and monitoring of hand washing will be provided prior to lunch and upon return from breakfast, snack, and recess. 
  • Classrooms at all levels without sinks will be provided with hand sanitizer bottles. Hand sanitizing products will be readily available in common areas, and students may bring their own sanitizers to school as well.
  • Posters around the school will remind students and staff to avoid touching their eyes, mouth and nose as much as possible, to avoid contact with people who are sick, to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into their upper sleeve or elbow, and to wash their hands after coughing and sneezing.
Social Distancing
  • Our goal is to maintain distance to the greatest extent possible.
  • Teachers will continue to limit ancillary furniture in classrooms, thereby increasing open spaces.
  • Spacing will be considered when organizing small groups. Working in small groups is a best practice in teaching and learning and will be supported as we work to close learning gaps due to COVID. 
  • Hallways and classroom transitions will be monitored to encourage distancing.
  • Elementary students will be permitted to mix with friends from other classrooms during outdoor recess. There will be no restrictions to equipment access.
  • All students will be permitted to travel between different classrooms during the school day.
  • Buses will be disinfected at the conclusion of the morning, mid-day, afternoon, and extracurricular runs. This includes handrails, bus seats, and other high touch surfaces.
  • Windows and roof hatches will be open whenever possible for increased ventilation.
Athletics and Student Activities
  • In addition to following the hygiene and safety protocols established by the District for the school setting, advisors and coaches will ensure equipment is properly cleaned and wiped down at the conclusion of the activity. 
  • Students and staff will wear appropriate athletic clothing/shoes at all times to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment surfaces, and refrain from sharing clothing/towels.  
  • Athletes and coaches are encouraged to bring their own water to practices and games, and water bottles should not be shared. Hydration stations will be available as provided by the Athletic Trainer.
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