
Our preference is for applicants to complete the online application process; however, if you would rather complete a paper copy of the Support Services Application, please click here to download the application

Substitute Teaching

STS logo

Individuals interested in substitute teaching in West Shore School District should contact Substitute Teacher Service (STS).

Click Here to visit the STS website for additional information and application instructions.

Substitute Teacher Rates Effective January 23, 2023
$150 - Per Day for Substitutes Working 1-29 days
$170 - Per Day for Building/District Substitutes and Substitutes Working 30+ days

Partnership with CCRES

Individuals interested in working in the West Shore School District as a Special Education Paraprofessional may choose to work for the District directly (apply using the District Vacancies link above) or as a contract employee through the District's partnership with CCRES. If interested in working for CCRES in the District, please click here. 

Let us help you get your teaching certification!

Have you ever thought about a second career in teaching or know someone who would make a great teacher? The District has full-time teaching positions available in a variety of subject areas and levels. To fill those positions, we are looking for individuals who have earned a bachelor’s degree and who would be willing to take any necessary classes to obtain their teaching certification. Interested individuals will be provided with financial support from the District and the flexibility to continue working while advancing their career.
To learn more about obtaining your teaching certification, please contact Corinne DeAlmeida, Human Resources Manager at [email protected]

West Shore At-A-Glance

Benefits of Working for West Shore S.D.

Full-Time, Part-Time, and School Year Positions Available
  • Support and professional schedules which can accomodate your needs.
  • Subsitute Teaching positions through Substitute Teacher Service (STS) & Special Education Paraprofessionals through the District and CCRES
Opportunities for Professional Growth & Tuition Reimbursement
  • Employees can request reimbursement for up to 12 credits each school year.
  • Current PA State System of Higher Education rate is $319 per credit for undergraduate courses and $516 per credit for graduate courses.
  • Many colleges offer deferment programs which allow you to wait and pay your tuition after you have received reimbursement from the District.

Requirements for Employment

Applicants, please review the requirements for employment posted on the Human Resources page

Staff Spotlight - Paraprofessionals


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