General Information

Absence Call-In Line 938-3599  
Parents/Guardians are requested to call the Absence Call-In line which is available between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report the child's absence.

When your child returns to school be sure to send an absence excuse.  After 3 school days the absences will be considered unlawful if an excuse is not received.

Absences due to an appointment must be supported by a note from the place of the appointment (i.e. doctor, dentist, court, etc.).

If your child is absent from school for a day or two it is suggested that you check the teacher's website for current assignments your child might have missed during the absence.  If your child is absent for three or more consecutive days, you may also e-mail the teacher(s) directly to request assignments.  E-mail addresses may be connected automatically from your ParentPortal account. Requests should be made prior to 8:00 a.m. in order to allow the teacher sufficient time to put together the assignments.  All assignment must be picked up between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m. in the school office.

Early Dismissal Due to Weather, Emergency
It is our policy if there is an early dismissal due to weather, emergency, etc. that ALL students are required to ride their assigned bus home from school.  No student will be permitted to wait after dismissal time for their parent/guardian to pick them up.  However, if the parent/guardian calls the school office a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the scheduled early dismissal time, the office staff will make every attempt to notify your child to report to the cafeteria at dismissal.  The parent/guardian will be required to be at the rear doors of the building (near the bridge) at dismissal time. If the parent is not present at dismissal time the student will need to board his/her bus. Students which are on an attendance exception, where private transportation is provided, will be required to report to the school office and wait for dismissal.  Parents are reminded that when arriving at the school you must park in a parking spot in the rear of the building.  Following this policy will help make the early dismissal a lot less hectic.

The Parent Portal in PowerSchool is an opportunity for parents to view their child's grades, attendance and much more on a regular basis.  If you have not yet received your password to access the program, stop in the school office, show your identification and you will be given your password.  All you need is access to a computer and the internet.  If you do not have a computer you can access it from anyone's computer - a neighbor's, the library, etc.  Take advantage of this worthwhile program.

Students who wish to walk to a destination after school must have a Walkers Permission Note on file.  The form is available on the website under "School Related Forms".  If a parent permission form is not on file students will not be released at the end of the school day.  They will either have to take their bus home or call a parent to come pick them up.

Cell Phone Permission - Students wishing to have their cell phone in school must have written permission on file.  That form is in the back of the handbook, which can be found on the CMS website.
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