2020 Red Land Field Hockey Return to Sports Guidelines:

Per the terms of the pending health and safety plan of the West Shore School District, below is a list of sport-specific application protocol for Varsity/JV/Middle School Field Hockey. In addition to the below list, I have shared the West Shore School District’s full health and safety plan with all coaching staff members (paid and volunteer, JH and HS), players, and parents and will received written confirmation of their review of it.

1.            Field Hockey balls will be collected after every drill by a player(s) or coach(s) wearing latex gloves during phase 1,2, and 3 for individual/group skill workouts.

2.            Direct entry/exit into the stadium, if possible this avoids any need to be present or walk through the turning door of the facility that are present at West Shore Stadium and Red Land High School.

3.            At the conclusion of workouts, all equipment used will be sanitized by the coaching staff. Additionally, commonly touched surfaces will be wiped down as well goal cage’s frame and backboards, benches, cones/polly-spots, ball carriers etc.

4.            All celebratory actions will involve no contact and respect social distancing (air high fives, positive hand gestures positive verbal cues, etc.).

5.            If/when group work begins, players will be separated based on level. We will have group control and have small group capabilities in our field hockey workouts.

6.            Awareness and education training for players and habits/things to do or not do, or think of more often or proactively.

7.            While at the stadium, players must inform coach of when they need to use the restroom as to avoid multiple players in a small space at once.

8.            Reinforce good personal hygiene habits, such as hand washing, showering before and immediately after workouts, and not touching face with the hands.

9.            Sanitation stations/supplies present for players and coaches to disinfect/sanitize hands, player equipment, etc.

10.          Players will be told to keep shirts on during workouts.

11.        All players will be assigned their own pinnie for the season.  Each player will be responsible for 

cleaning their own pinnie.  Each coach will keep extra clean pinnies on hand for players to 

barrow if they failed to bring their pinnie to practice/game.  If a player borrows a new pinnie for 

a practice, the coaching staff will be responsible to washing extra pinnies to ensure player safety.

12.           Coach(s) will provide spray disinfectant/wipes to any player needing to sanitize personal equipment for safety purposes. 

13.          Players should bring a gym/field hockey bag to keep all belongings and water in, so there are no loose items sitting to the side during workouts/practices.

14.       During open fields, players will be divided into two groups (Middle and High School), Each group will be separated to opposite halves of the facility.  If large groups remain on either half, smaller groups will be created to ensure all player and coach safety.

15.          An isolation area will be identified where a player who feels they have COVID symptoms during a workout can immediately go and proper safety precautions will be taken.

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