College Prep Resources

Preparing for College

Grade 10
  • Investigate career information.  Printed materials and computerized software are available in the guidance office.
  • Analyze the courses you should take in high school to prepare for the career you are considering.
  • Look at college catalogs or review college web sites.
  • Visit one or more college, perhaps during a family vacation in the summer before your junior year.
  • Visit your high school counselor and ask questions.

Grade 11

  • Continue to examine career possibilities and the education requirements for the career which interests you.
  • Take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in the fall. 
  • Find out about college admission procedures by looking through the College Handbook and other guides.
  • Take the American College Test (ACT) or SAT I: Reasoning Test.
  • Talk to your teachers about taking the Advanced Placement examination.  Sign up for the exam through your counselors.
  • If you want to attend one of the service academies or apply for an ROTC scholarship, begin the application in the spring.
  • List the colleges that interest you and visit one or more colleges during your junior year.
  • Learn more about specific colleges by meeting with college representatives who visit your high school.
  • Plan your senior schedule carefully.  Select a full academic program.  Check the college entrance requirements again to be sure you are meeting them.
  • Complete and submit the NCAA Athletic Eligibility Form at the end of the year.  Register online at
  • See your high school counselor for assistance.

Grade 12

  • Visit your high school counselor in the fall and keep him/her informed of your plans. 
  • Complete each college application and all financial aid forms before deadline dates.
  • If you need to submit recommendations from your teachers, let the teachers know the deadline date and allow teachers two weeks to complete them.
  • Research and complete applications for scholarships.  Consult Naviance and your counselor for information on many local opportunities.
  • Visit any additional colleges you may have decided to consider.
  • Take any SAT I, or ACT tests which are required.
  • In the spring, revisit colleges which have accepted you if you are not certain which college you want to attend.
  • After deciding which college you are going to attend, respond to each offer of admission.
  • Let your counselor know about your decision.
  • Take any AP Exams for which you are prepared.

June - Graduation

We trust that your high school experiences have been pleasant and valuable.  Our sincere best wishes for a happy and successful future.

College Information Video for Parents of Sophomores and Juniors

Below is a link to information that is helpful for navigating through the college admissions process.  Information on the video includes how to research colleges, basic financial aid information, college admissions testing, and visiting colleges. 

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