Learn Real World Skills
Students learn real world skills using the same tools and equipment as industry professionals. By demonstrating their knowledge and abilities, students can earn a Pennsylvania Skills Certificate through the PA Department of Education. To earn the Pennsylvania Skills Certificate, students must achieve at the "Advanced" level on the end of program NOCTI test. The test consists of two parts - theory and performance. The Theory portion covers factual knowledge, technical information, understanding of academic principals and problem solving related to the technical field. The Performance portion of the NOCTI test allows students to demonstrate their skills to industry professionals who proctor the exam.
Earn College Credit
College in the High School Program
The College in High School (CHS) program allows high school students to take college classes while enrolled at CPACTC during the regular school day. Students who are eligible to take College in the High School courses can earn credits toward high school graduation and credits towards a college degree at the same time. Depending on the program, participating colleges and universities include HACC, Pennsylvania College of Technology (Penn College), and Harrisburg University (HU). The courses are taught by CPACTC instructors, who have been approved by the college/university to teach these courses. HACC, Penn College and Harrisburg University award college credits and a college transcript to students who complete the courses with a passing grade. These credits are often eligible to transfer to to other colleges and universities that a student may attend. For College in the High School course details go to www.cpatech.org.
College Credit Articulation Agreements
Every program at CPACTC has the opportunity to earn articulated credit at a participating post-secondary school. This means that college credits are awarded when students meet certain requirements and enroll at a participating school. Program specific articulation agreements can be found at www.cpatech.org.
SOAR Program
Twenty programs at CPACTC (visit www.cpatech.org) qualify under the Pennsylvania Department of Education's SOAR Program, which grants college credit at various post-secondary schools in Pennsylvania when students meet the following requirements:
- Graduate from high school with a 2.5 in the CPACTC program
- Achieve a score of "Advanced" or "Competent" on the NOCTI exam
- Successfully complete all tasks on the Program of Study task list (generally requires student to complete all three years of a program)
Suggested Course Sequence by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for Programs of Study for Students Enrolled in Career and Technical Programs:
GRADE 9 | GRADE 10 | GRADE 11 | GRADE 12 |
English | English | English | English |
Earth Science | Biology | Chemistry | Additional Math or Science |
Social Studies | Social Studies | Social Studies | Social Studies |
Algebra I or Pre-Algebra | Geometry or Algebra I | Algebra II or Geometry | Elective |
Physical Education | Physical Education | Physical Education | Physical Education |
Electives | CPACTC Program | CPACTC Program | CPACTC Program |
Earn Industry-Recognized CredentialsCPACTC students have the opportunity to earn industry credentials which employers recognize and indicate a student has achieved particular skills and knowledge. There are many credentials offered at CPACTC and they are specific to a student's program and career pathway. Examples include PA State Inspection certification for Auto Tech students and Certified Nursing Assistant certification for nursing students. A complete list of credentials is listed under each program description at www.cpatech.org.