Updated April 2024
Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pa. Code (22 Pa. code 4.4) provides for the right of any parent/guardian to excuse his/her child from the state assessment if, upon inspection of the testing materials, he/she finds the assessment to be in conflict with his/her religious beliefs. This is the only basis under Chapter 4 rules for a parent/guardian to excuse his or her child from the statewide assessments.
The protocol for request for exclusion from the State assessment is as follows:
Parents who feel that the assessment may be in conflict with their religious beliefs must contact their building principal to set up a time to meet and review the assessment.
Assessments will be available for review by parents and guardians. The assessment must be reviewed on district property and district personnel must be present at all times. Districts must provide a convenient time for the review (see below).
Parents and guardians must sign the Parent Confidentiality Agreement. Parents and guardians may not photocopy, write down, or in any other manner record any portion of the assessments, including directions.
If after reviewing the test parents/guardians find the test to be in conflict with their religious beliefs and wish their student(s) to be excused from the test, the parents/guardians must provide a written request that states the objection to the Superintendent.
If the student is excused from the assessment due to parental request, the school personnel will provide an alternative learning environment and/or assessment for the student. Students opted out of the assessment due to parental request will not negatively affect the individual child. The school’s participation rate can potentially have a negative impact on the school’s accountability status.
Important Dates
The 2024 PSSA testing window begins Monday, April 22, 2024.
Tests can be viewed from April 8-17, 2024.
No opt-outs will be accepted after Thursday, April 18, 2024.