Lice Removal Step-by-Step Directions

At Home Lice and Nit Removal Instructions

At Home Lice and Nit Removal Instructions


  • Take a deep breath and be prepared to carve out the day to deal with head lice.  Occupy your child with a book, tablet, video game, or movie during lice removal.  
  • The key to the successful elimination of head lice is to remove ALL lice and ALL nits from ALL family members heads.  
  • REMEMBER:    If you miss just one nit, it will likely hatch and cause a re-infestation of head lice.  This will put you back to square one.   
  • Many family members that insist they do not have lice, do indeed have an active infestation. You do NOT have to be itchy to have lice.  You are only itchy when you are allergic to the saliva that the lice inject when they are feeding on your blood supply.  

Treatment Options:

Do it yourself at home.  If you choose this option, gather the following supplies:  rat tail comb, brush, towel, hair clips, hair ties, lice comb, spray bottle, conditioner, paper towels, white bowl, medicated lice shampoo, dimethicone or olive oil, shower cap, dish soap. Please begin at day 1.


Seek professional lice removal.


1.   Check ALL family members for nits/lice.  Medicated lice shampoos and creams should only be used if lice/nits are found.

2.   Follow directions on a medicated lice shampoo/creams.  Consult your doctor if you have any questions regarding product safety, age appropriateness and pregnancy.   Although important, completing this step alone will almost assuredly guarantee that lice will return as many nits (eggs) are not killed by medicated lice shampoo/creams.

3.   Next, begin the nit comb out procedure by removing all hair tangles.  Using the tail of a rat-tail comb, section the hair into 4 quadrants as shown below.  Crisp part-lines are essential.   Clip or ponytail each section separately.  For easier combing, add several teaspoons of conditioner to a spray bottle of water.  Spray generously on the hair prior to combing and as needed to facilitate the passage of the lice comb through the hair.         


Quadrant 4

      Top Left


Quadrant 3

 Top Right



Quadrant 2

Bottom Left


Quadrant 1

Bottom Right



4.  Start with the bottom right quadrant (1) and comb out “around the world” in a clock wise fashion starting at the very edge of the part-line.  Comb around all of the outer edges of quadrant 1 in a circular “around the world” pattern. This will ensure you comb all hair surfaces.     
  1. Always make sure you start the comb directly on the part-line with the comb horizontal or directly on the scalp as this is where the viable (live) lice and eggs are located.  Remember to always pull the comb through the entire length of the hair shaft.  Do not stop until you have combed the entire length of hair.
  2. After you go “around the world”, wipe the comb on a white piece of tissue, paper towel, or toilet paper.   Cream-tan-brown-black specks are nits (eggs) and sesame seed size tan-brown spots are lice.   The nits will look like this on the paper  (   -    )   no bigger than the dash mark.  
  3. Continue combing “around the world” until you get NO cream-tan-brown-black specks on a white piece of tissue, paper towel, toilet paper or clean the comb by repeatedly tapping its teeth on the bottom of a white bowl filled with water.  (note: in water, eggs generally float and lice sink to the bottom).   
5.   Next, sub-section bottom right quadrant (1) into “lice comb width” sub-sections.  Use clips and ponytails to keep the sections divided.  Remember, crisp parts are the key!

Left Upper Right Upper  

          Left Lower    Right Lower   
  1. Go “around the world” on this “lice comb width” sub-section “a” ; wipe the comb on a white piece of tissue, paper towel, toilet paper or clean the comb by repeatedly tapping its teeth on the bottom of a white bowl filled with water.  (note: in water, eggs generally float and lice sink to the bottom). 
  2. Continue going “around the world”, on the sub-section “a”, until you get no cream-tan-brown-black specks on a white piece of tissue, paper towel, or toilet paper or in the bowl of water. 
  3. Go “around the world” one additional time.
  1. If no cream-tan-brown-black specks, move on to the next “lice comb width” sub-section “b” in Quadrant 1.  
  2. If cream-tan-brown-black specks are present, go “around the world” again.
  3. Continue until you have 2 “around the worlds” that are clean (without specks).
  4. Continue in the same manner until you complete all subsections c, d, e, f etc. in Quadrant 1.
6.   When Quadrant 1 is completed, move on to bottom left quadrant (2) and complete all of steps 4 and 5.

7.   When Quadrant 2 is completed, move to top right quadrant (3) and complete all of steps 4 and 5.

8.   When Quadrant 3 is completed, move to top left quadrant (4) and complete all of steps 4 and 5.

9.   When finished with Quadrants 1, 2, 3, and 4, go “around the world” with the entire head one time with the lice comb. The comb should come out with no cream-tan-brown-black specks.  If this is the case you have done a thorough job of removing the nits. If you find cream-tan-brown-black specks you have missed some eggs that may hatch into lice.  If this is the case, follow steps 2-8 again.  

10.   Completely soak the hair in Dimethicone oil or olive oil after the lice comb out.  The oil should not be dripping but it should cover all hair and scalp.  Leave oil in place for at least 60 minutes.  This oil smothers any remaining live, hatched lice.  A shower cap may be used to contain oil.  

11.   Wash the oil out of hair with dish soap.  It will take several washings.  It the hair still looks oily when it dries, wash it again. The oil will come out with repeated washings.  Warning, if washing your hair in a tub, the bottom surface will be slippery.  You will need to sit in the tub for shampooing.

12.   Boil the lice comb for 10 minutes, let it cool and move on to the next family member. Complete steps 1-11 on each family member with lice/nits.  IMPORTANT, you must check every family member’s hair even if they insist they do not have lice.  

13.   Whether signs of lice/nits, or not, it is recommended that dimethicone or olive oil be placed on all family members heads following the schedule found on the “Your Family Schedule to Lice Freedom!” document.  

Continuing Treatment Regime

DAYS 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 18

Repeat steps 3 and 4 above.  

Repeat step 5 above if lice and nits are found.


DAYS 4, 14, and 21

Repeat steps 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 above.

Repeat step 5 above if lice and nits are found.

Days 8 

Repeat steps 1-10 above

Weekly after day 21

       Repeat steps 9 and 10 above

*****If done correctly, a thorough comb out will take at least 30-60 minutes on a person who does not have a close haircut.  The longer the hair, the longer the comb out.  Heavy infestations may take as long as 4-5 hours.*****

Additional Lice Care Steps

1.   Boil combs and brushes for 10 minutes.   Caution they will be hot.  Replace any combs and brushes that cannot withstand boiling.

2.   Wash soiled linens, sheets, and blankets.  Place in a hot dryer for 30 minutes.  Place clean bedding on beds before use.

3.   Any non-washable cloth items (stuffed animals/non-washable materials) should be placed in a sealed plastic bag for 4 days.

4.   Vacuum or lint roll all carpets, mattresses, car seats, car interior, fabric furniture, and throw pillows.

5.   Wash all jackets, sweaters, hats, and other clothing that have come in contact with infected persons in the last 2-3 days.

6.   Notify individuals that have had head-to-head contact with the infected person(s) ie) teammates, sleepovers, best friends, parties.



  • A parent should always be proactive and check their child’s head weekly while in school.   The average infestation has been in place for 4-6 weeks before being identified.  
  • Many lice are becoming resistant to over-the-counter medicated shampoos.  
  • Head lice can be very frustrating to deal with.  The key to their eradication is to remove the lice AND NITS, via combing, from EVERYONE in the home, the FIRST time they are found.  If you fail to do this step, they will inevitably return.   This is especially frustrating in shared custody situations.  Once gone from your home, using weekly dimethicone oil or olive oil treatments will effectively manage these situations.
  • Lice shampoos alone will not eradicate lice due to medication resistance .  You must remove the nits.  
  • Remember the hours of work you put into lice removal when first discovered, will save you days, weeks and months of lice work and frustration in the future!!!
  • Head lice are only spread from prolonged direct, head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact.   Friend selfies, sleepovers, sharing hats and helmets, bedtime story telling, snuggling and playtime hair-to-hair contact are common culprits.  Your child will not get head lice from sitting beside someone in the classroom unless there is hair-to-hair contact.  
  • Head Lice do not live off a human host greater than 48 hours.
  • Head Lice do not live on pets.
  • Head lice do not jump, hop or fly.  They crawl from hair shaft to hair shaft using their front claws, much like a monkey swings vine to vine.  
  • Head lice have no preference for clean or dirty hair.  They only care that it is a human host upon which to feed.  
  • Nits cannot be brushed off a hair shaft.  They are glued and have to be picked or pulled from the hair shaft.


HELP, I did all these steps and we still have LICE!!!!  What is next!!!!!


Your next step should be to:

1.  Ask your school nurse for guidance and demonstrations.

2.  Talk with your doctor about other treatment options or consider seeking professional lice removal.




 Your Family Schedule to Lice Freedom!

Day 1

  • Thoroughly inspect the hair of all family members
  • Apply medicated Shampoo/Cream for those with nits/lice
  • Meticulously comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil for all family members (with or without lice/nits)
  • Clean Home


Day 2

  • Child returns to school
  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 3

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 4

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil for at least 60 minutes 

Day 5

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 6

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 7

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 8

  • Thoroughly inspection the hair of all family members
  • Apply Medicated Lice Shampoo/Cream for those with nits/lice
  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil for all family members (with or without lice/nits) 

Day 9

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 10

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 11

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • May Stop daily comb out if no lice/nits are found.  Otherwise continue comb outs as scheduled below.     When in doubt, keep combing!   

Day 12

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 14

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil for at least 60 minutes 

Day 18

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb 

Day 21

  • Comb through child’s hair with a nit comb
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil for at least 60 minutes 

Weekly Thereafter

  • Head inspection
  • Apply Dimethicone/Olive Oil as a preventative, if you choose 



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