Gifted Program Overview

Opportunities for Participation

Special Interest Independent Study Course #888604

Special Interest/Gifted students may take this course, as detailed in the course selection guide, for a grade and credit. Students focus on projects/units of study relating to their strengths and interests. Mrs. Kamps and the students create rubrics for each project, so expectations and grading are clear. Students in grades 9-12 may take the course multiple times throughout their high school careers. Students work on group projects as well as independent work.  Click here to see Mrs. Kamps's video explanation of the course.

Enrichment out of flexes or music classes, which meet during flex

Special Interest students may meet with Mrs. Kamps for enrichment opportunities during their flex periods. We schedule this at the beginning of the school year when students complete Special Interest beginning of the year questionnaires. Mrs. Kamps schedules students during cycle days either once a cycle or multiple times a cycle. Students are responsible for remembering their assigned cycle days.
Students who have music classes scheduled six-days a cycle, may still attend enrichment for gifted once a cycle out of music. This is scheduled on an independent basis and coordinated with the music teacher.  

Enrichment/Acceleration out of regular education classes

Students are encouraged to take the highest level classes (honors, advanced placement, dual enrollement) within their strength areas. If students still need acceleration or enrichment, they may see Mrs. Kamps to discuss options for acceleration/enrichment for specific classes.
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