All students in grades seven (7) through twelve (12) will use an online tool called
Pennsylvania CareerZone. Pennsylvania CareerZone has been developed among the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. Pennsylvania CareerZone is a career exploration and planning system designed especially for students. Our educators and counselors will also benefit from the wealth of information on over 900 occupations from the Occupational Information Network (O*Net) database.
At each grade level, students will practice goal setting, course and career planning. Pathways may change at any time and should be based on the students’ interests and growing experiences. To assist in this process, our students will be guided and encouraged to complete the
Interest Profiler, Work Importance Profiler, and Assess Yourself Assessment based on the Holland Codes for self-exploration. Pennsylvania CareerZone provides comprehensive information on 900+ occupations and includes state specific wages, worker attributes, job characteristics, and much more. There are 300 career videos that will also give students a snap shot of the featured occupations. Job openings in the Job Central are easily accessible within each occupations profile.
In addition to Pennsylvania CareerZone, the district is currently exploring Naviance.
Naviance is an American college and career readiness software provider that partners with high schools and other K-12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools. Naviance’s web-based software provides students with a variety of features, including college research and matching tools, course planning, career assessment and personality tests, and surveys to help students connect what they are doing in school to what they would like to do once they complete their education.
Naviance provides additional functionality to school counselors to track the progress of individual students, communicate and collaborate with students and families, or create reports on their entire student population. Additionally, Naviance’s integration with "The Common Application" facilitates the submission of college applications, as well as online submission of transcripts, school forms and recommendations through Naviance eDocs. More information will be provided as this tool is made available to our student and guidance staff.